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發表於 2018-4-20 19:37:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Pirates continue to attack fishermen with impunity in the high seas even as the authorities try to work on new initiatives to tackle the scourge.The latest attack occurred on Saturday evening. The victims were badly beaten, their boat along with fish and fish glue were stolen, and they were relieved of personal possessions and left to drift at sea in a small boat.Pamela Ramkellawan called “Indro” of Lot 163 Pump Street, Port Mourant,Cheap Jerseys From China, yesterday contacted Kaieteur News to relate her story. She said that her fishing boat with a five-man crew was hijacked around midday on Saturday off the Corentyne shore.According to the woman, her boat which is a 50’ x 8’ craft is blue and red in colour with black stripes. The boat is fitted with a 48HP Yamaha engine and has a cream ice box. She said the boat had on board a 500-lb  seine,  two barrels of gas, one gas stove, “plenty” food items and over $1.2M in fish and fish glue.The woman stated that her crew members are known by the names ‘Bai’ who is the captain, ‘Norman’ his brother, ‘Sunny’ their relative and two mother workmen -‘Ball Head’ and ‘Bumpy’. She said that from what she was told, her workmen were fishing when four men, all masked, came up in another boat. The men were armed with a gun and three cutlasses. Without warning, they quickly jumped into the fishing boat and started to beat the occupants mercilessly.The men then ordered them to load all the stuff in their boat. The fishermen were bound and dumped into the pirate’s boat. The captain was then ordered to drive his boat to two other boats which were also robbed and the fishermen bound and gagged.The pirates then bundled about 15 of them into a small boat and made their escape. They were left to drift at sea.The woman said that they got word of the piracy on Saturday evening and they immediately launched a search.Five of the fishermen were rescued by a small boat on Saturday while the others were rescued on Sunday.The woman and others are pleading to the authorities for help since the fishing boat is their only form of income. She stated that there are 18 of them in the family it is also their only means of survival.Mrs. Ramkellawan, who said that she can be contacted on telephone number 336-6902 for any information related to her missing vessel, said that the matter was reported to the police. However, she claims that she was told that ‘pirates are criminals and they are dangerous and the police would not go out to sea’.

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