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發表於 2018-4-20 19:59:33 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Mebane's injury wasn't obvious but occurred during the first half of Seattle's 38-17 win and he did not return,Atlanta Falcons Jersey. It could be a big loss for the Seahawks' run defense with Mebane arguably having his best season as a pro. Mebane had two tackles before getting injured,NFL Jerseys China.
Seattle also lost tight end Luke Willson to a sprained ankle in the second quarter. Willson walked to the locker room but was wearing sweats when he returned to the sideline in the second half,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys. Willson's injury left Cooper Helfet as the only active tight end for the Seahawks,NFL Jerseys China.
"Don't know how serious yet. But that's a big man to pull a hammy," Seattle coach Pete Carroll said. "Can you imagine how big his hamstring is?"

The Giants said Cox suffered a lower leg fracture, but was going to be traveling home with the team Sunday night.
Hillis was taken back to the Giants locker room at the end of the first quarter,China NFL Jerseys. He had one carry for 4 yards in the first quarter and was also credited with a tackle on a kickoff return late in the first quarter,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK.
SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Brandon Mebane left of Sunday's game with a pulled hamstring, while the New York Giants lost running back Peyton Hillis to a concussion in the first quarter.
Hillis' injury left the Giants thin at running back. Starter Rashad Jennings did not make the trip to Seattle leaving Andre Williams as the starter. The only other active running back for the Giants was Michael Cox, who was helped off the field after injuring his left leg late in the fourth quarter.

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