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發表於 2018-4-20 23:12:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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CLEVELAND (AP) — The Browns are giving troubled cornerback Aaron Berry another chance.
"We recognize that he's had missteps, as does he," Farmer said. "Before and after that adverse period in his life, members of our coaching staff and players in our locker room worked with Aaron. From a communication standpoint, there's a degree of comfort we have with him,Cheap Jerseys Supply, and a degree of comfort he'll have with the Browns. He has a chance to earn the opportunity to contribute to any success we'll have this fall."
He visited the Browns in March, but the sides couldn't reach a deal.
Berry appeared in 19 games before the Lions released him after he was twice arrested in 2012. He was suspended three games for violating the league's personal-conduct policy,NFL Jerseys Outlet.
The Lions signed Berry as an undrafted free agent in 2010. He made four starts and was a solid contributor before the team decided to part ways with him after his two arrests in 2012,Cheap Jerseys From China.

The unrestricted free agent signed Monday with Cleveland, his third pro team in four years. Berry,China NFL Jerseys, who has had legal issues and injuries,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, previously played for Detroit and the New York Jets.
"Aaron Berry gives us both depth and competition at corner, and has the potential to upgrade our kicking game," Browns general manager Ray Farmer said in a statement. "He's tough and relentless and his strength prior to his injury was man coverage. He's also accountable for his past,NHL Jerseys Authentic, which is well documented."
Last summer, Berry sustained a season-ending knee injury on the first day of training camp with the Jets. In 2012, he played under Browns coach Mike Pettine, who was New York's defensive coordinator. But the 5-foot-9, 190-pounder was limited to seven games because of a hamstring injury.
The Jets gave Berry another chance following his legal problems: He allegedly pointed a gun at three people in a Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, parking lot; he also was arrested on DUI suspicion.

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