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Wholesale Authentic Jerseys – Former Regional ChairmanFormer Region 10 Chairman









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發表於 2018-4-20 23:31:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Former Regional ChairmanFormer Region 10 Chairman, Sharma Solomon believes that it is time for a deeper involvement of the youth in not only national discussion but governance of the country. In the same breath, he stressed that a country is in any case, always better off when it utilizes fresh ideas and young blood.Speaking with this newspaper on Tuesday, Solomon said that he is aware of the lack of faith in youth and placed the blame squarely at the feet of those young persons of the previous administration who engaged in acts of poor governance. He pointed specifically in this regard, to former President Bharrat Jagdeo.He said that it is understandable that Jagdeo’s “bad governance, voracious appetite and un-gentleman-like attitude” left a bad taste in people’s mouth and gave youth a bad rap. He said however that Jagdeo who came to the presidency at age 35 is an exception and not the norm.He said that looking within and out of Guyana; there are numerous persons who have made invaluable contributions to the process of governance in their youth.Former Region 10 Chairman, Sharma SolomonHe mentioned some of these persons to be the late Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, Dr. Cheddi Jagan,Cheap China Jerseys, Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, Martin Luther King Jr., US President Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X.Solomon stressed that these individuals were in their 20s and 30s when they became involved in national issues and held the reins of government. On this note, he emphasized that there is a need for a renewed confidence in the youth of today to hold similar positions and be given the opportunities to contribute to the body politic of the day.Further,NFL Jerseys Outlet, Solomon said that given the high rate of unemployment in Guyana, there is an urgent need to examine the possible creation of a national service.He made this comment while referring to a recently released Caribbean Development Bank study which pegs youth unemployment in Guyana at approximately 40 percent. Solomon said that with approximately 60 to 65 percent of the population 40 years and younger, this situation raises eyebrows.“It says too that the Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar governments did not have a Youth Policy to address this crisis. This level of unemployment can give rise to social diseases such as crime, increase poverty,China Jerseys, poor health, attraction to the drug trade and reduction in life expectancy. Another factor is that unemployment contributes to brain drain, further depleting the nation of its most vital resource for development and sustainability,” the Lindener explained.He said during his telephone interview that while he is not disputing the plans of the new administration in addressing the issue of unemployment, the process needs to be given some impetus.He added that while the one can also expect some level of “staticness” since the government only came out of elections in May, young people are waiting to make their contribution to the governance process.“The conditions are ripe right now for a national discussion with the youth on the issues that are out there on the front burner…We had a situation over the last two decades where governments didn’t think it wise of implementing a policy to guide the integration of young people into the system,Alex Iwobi Arsenal Jersey UK, and it means that the new administration has its work cut out for them.”Through a missive to the media, he added, “Young people desire to make their own history. They want to build Guyana and cooperate with their elders in doing so. The young have ideas on how things can be done and since ideas in driving the nation’s agenda and programme take place at the policy-making phase, having a seat at the table will make a difference. Yes, youth can.”He had said that a National Service along the line where Guyanese are engaged in personal growth and nation-building through skills acquisition and application, populating the hinterland and reinforcing border security, may be just what Guyana needs at this time.Solomon had said that he has been advised that the military component in the Guyana National Service (GNS) was guided by a policy to have Guyanese equipped to deal with border threats and that the Service was also a mechanism for satisfying employment needs.He had said, too, that the ongoing territorial controversy between Guyana and Venezuela also makes it pressing to review the necessity of such an institution which can simultaneously provide employment opportunities and reinforcement of Guyana’s capacity to handle its border issues effectively.Solomon held the view that though the young may have been told about or listened to the ‘bad’ stories of 30-plus years ago,Wholesale Jerseys, they are not necessarily wedded to or interested in these stories in an unholy manner, because they have not experienced them personally.  Solomon insisted that history, through the lens of youth, is revisited with the desire to understand what made earlier leaders do what he did and usually devoid of deep-seated rancour.“Though some see youthful zeal as impatience, it is not. Or if this is so construed, it may be impatience with having to be tied to and burdened by a political past you were not responsible for,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, had no control over, played no part in… or having to feel that your entire life will be wasted, tied down to marking time and settling old scores.”Solomon argued that youth do not want to be shackled by the past. He said that they want to learn from the past; correct the mistakes of the past and adopt the positives of the past. He stated that youth can see benefits in and learn from the mistakes from all leaders of the past, and do not want to have to feel forced to choose one over the other, or see good only in one and bad only in the other.“The dead cannot be raised and there is no interest in jumbie politics,” he added.The former Region Ten Chairman emphasised that young people are also not looking for handouts and sympathy.

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