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NFL Jerseys China which are schools that are deemed exam centres by CXC









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發表於 2018-4-21 03:28:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The cost for having the dates of some Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) subjects changed in order to facilitate the May 11 polling day may very well be a ‘state secret’.This is in light of the fact that the Ministry of Education has not yet been willing to share this information.Although unable to shed light on the cost factor yesterday, Public Relations Officer within the Education Ministry, Suelle Findlay-Williams, did insist that all measures are in place to facilitate the examinations.“If you are asking about the cost I am not privy to that information,” said Findlay-Williams. She continued by adding that “at this point I can’t say what is the additional cost or if there was any at all.”According to the Caribbean Examination Council’s Pro-Registrar, Mr Glenroy Cumberbatch, while assisting CXC member countries to shift examinations dates,NFL Jerseys China, if the need arises, is not a challenge to the Regional examining body,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the only factor that is not immediately known is the cost that will be incurred.The associated cost to shift the date of the examinations therefore will be one that the Government will have to pay in order to allow CXC to prepare and administer several parallel examination papers to local candidates.“That cost is being worked out and would form a contract between CXC and the Government of Guyana,” Cumberbatch told this publication.Ever since the clash between polling day and the examinations were recognised, the Education Ministry had been in close collaboration with CXC.However Minister of Education,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Priya Manickchand, had said that “we were not overly concerned…we expect mature behaviour that would not see us having security concerns.” She however noted that the major concern was how to use the places of poll, which are schools that are deemed exam centres by CXC, to conduct the examinations under examination conditions at the same time.The Pro-Registrar had noted too that CXC’s principal concern was to ensure that the Guyana candidates who registered to write the examinations had the opportunity to write them in the conditions that they would normally write.“The schools are the centres that are chosen and if the schools are to be used as polling stations then it was not possible to have the two activities competing for the same space at the same time. Therefore it was necessary to ensure that the candidates are not disadvantaged in any way on that given day,” said Cumberbatch.Because of the change in the examination dates, the morning of June 15 will see candidates sitting the following CSEC subjects: Agricultural Science (Double Award)-Paper2; Agricultural Science (Single Award)-Paper 2 and Theatre Arts –Paper1. In the afternoon of June 15,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, the following CSEC subjects will be written: Electrical and Electronic Technology-Paper 1; Food and Nutrition – Paper2. The CSEC examinations shifted to June 16 will include Home Economics: Management – Paper 2 and Technical Drawing-Paper 2 in the morning, and Electrical and Electronic Technology Paper 2 in the afternoon.Meanwhile,Wholesale China Jerseys, CAPE subjects set for the morning of June 15 are: Geometrical and Mechanical Engineering Drawing Unit 1 – Paper 2, History Unit 1 – Paper 2 and Art and Design unit 1 and 2 – Paper 2 and 3 while in the afternoon candidates will undertake the Communication Studies- Paper 2. The following morning CAPE candidates will sit French Unit 2 – Paper 2 and Environmental Science Unit 2-Paper 2,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, while in the afternoon they will be tasked with sitting Pure Mathematics Unit 1 – Paper 2.

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