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Anders Nilsson Jersey he hear Jermaine voice calling









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發表於 2018-4-21 06:11:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The truck driver who perished in a horrific accident on the Itabali/Puruni Road on Saturday afternoon was desperately trying to avoid hitting an overtaking All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) when he lost control of his loaded truck.Relatives of the dead driver whose name was confirmed as Jermaine Khan, 35,Cheap Jerseys From China, of Three and a Half Miles,NFL Jerseys China, Bartica, are refuting claims that he was under the influence of alcohol, when the accident occurred.The dead man’s name was incorrectly stated as Raymond Singh called ‘Pooh’ in an earlier report.Donna Layne, Khan’s reputed wife and the mother of one of his four children told this newspaper that she is certain that her husband was not imbibing on Saturday since he was on medication for a severe medical condition.“He has high cholesterol and he can’t drink alcohol,Cheap MLB Jerseys China,” Layne told Kaieteur News.She also informed that contrary to earlier reports, the porter on the truck, Danom John, who is also her nephew, is seriously injured and is currently at the Balwant Singh Hospital nursing a broken shoulder, broken rib, a fractured stomach plate and a swollen spleen.Ronald SinghDead: Truck driver Jermaine KhanHowever, John, who was sitting in the truck’s cab with the driver Khan at the time of the accident, was able to relate to relatives how the accident occurred.According to Layne, John reported that after crossing over to Itabali, they waited there for several hours for an official from the mining operations they were working with.When the official arrived a few hours later,Jerseys From China, they took off for the mining camp several miles away.As they were travelling, the driver looked into his rear-view mirror and saw the official on the ATV trying to undertake the truck to avoid the dust.Since they were negotiating a bend in the road, Khan pulled aside to allow the ATV to pass, and in so doing, he lost control of the truck, which ended up off the road.The heavily-laden truck which was proceeding at a fast rate ploughed through several trees before “hitting a baranka and toppling”.“Danom said he get blackout and when he wake up, he hear Jermaine voice calling, ‘Danny come tek me out’, he call three times but Danom said he could not move,” Layne related.Rescuers had to use a welding torch to free the trapped driver from the wreckageKhan was pinned in the cab of the truck and it took rescuers close to an hour to free him.“We had to use a torch to cut open the cab, then we had to get winch and prize off the top and then we had to pull the steering wheel off of he,” an eyewitness told this newspaper.Khan was placed on an ATV heading for Bartica but never made it to medical attention.His reputed wife told this newspaper that she received a call about the accident and immediately left her house and headed to the Bartica Hospital.She said that when she saw Khan he was already dead.“He just lie down like he sleeping,” the weeping woman told Kaieteur News.Three other persons, who were in the truck, also received injuries and were treated at the Bartica Hospital.One of them is gold miner Ronald Singh, who is recovering at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Singh of Lima, Essequibo Coast said that he sustained a broken right leg.He recalled that it was raining at the time. He added that the driver was speeding when he lost control of the truck, causing it to topple several times in a clump of bushes. Singh,China Jerseys, a father of seven,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, said that while the driver appeared to have died at the scene, he and the other men were rushed to the Bartica Hospital and were later transferred to city hospitals.

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