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發表於 2018-4-21 06:36:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A taxi driver was forced to jump from his moving car when two men held him at knife point on Saturday night in Non Pareil,China NBA Jerseys, East Coast Demerara during a robbery.The taxi driver Rajpaul Mangru told this publication that at around 22:10 hours on Saturday he was at Coldingen Front with his silver Toyota 212,Cheap NFL Jerseys, HC 1182,Boston Celtics Jerseys, when two men approached him and requested to be taken to Second Street,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, Non Pareil.Mangru said as he approached the location one of the men,Angelo Henriquez Chile Jersey, who was sitting in the back seat, grabbed him from behind and placed a knife to his neck.“He tell me don’t scream and the other one start searching up the car and I try opening the door and the one in the front seat pull out a knife too and start advancing towards me.”Mangru said the man in the front seat told him to drive and keep his mouth shut or they would kill him.Having heard that, Mangru said he made a desperate decision and opened the car door and jumped out.The men subsequently drove away the vehicle.Once out of the car,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, Mangru said he sought help and reported the matter to the police.Mangru said his cellular phone,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, all the documents for the car and $10,000 in cash were taken away from him.Mangru stated that all day yesterday himself and friends formed a search party and combed most of the East Coast of Demerara in search of the car but came up empty handed.The matter has been reported to the Vigilance and Enmore Police Stations and investigations are ongoing.

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