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[原創音樂] Cheap Jerseys From China Residents of Lethem









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發表於 2018-4-21 08:03:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Residents of Lethem, Region Nine, are angry that the Lethem Power Company did not consult with residents before increasing electricity tariffs by $20 per unit.Kaieteur News was told that residents received a notice a few days ago, which stated that the increase would take immediate effect.“The common man who used to struggle to pay $10,000 electricity bill perThe Lethem Power Company, Region Ninemonth will now have to worry about paying $18,Cheap Jerseys Online,000. I don’t know how people will manage,Wholesale Jerseys China,” one male resident said. The man added that it will be extremely difficult,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, since many people are working for no more than $45,000.Of all those who will be affected by the increase, the business people operating in areas such as St. Ignatius and Tabatinga are particularly worried.“…This is because the people living in those areas pay water bill, and when the electricity costs rise, so will the people’s water rate. This would result in business owners increasing the price of their items, thus affecting the middle poorer class of residents.”This newspaper was told there is a petition with over 300 signatories, a copy of which was sent to the Parliament and the Minister responsible for energy, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. The residents say that they did not get a response, but are determined to fight against the increase.Residents opined that things were a whole lot better when the power company was under its previous administration,.“From 2012,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, they said that the first 15 units of electricity burned would be free,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and then after that, we would pay for $45 from there, until we reach 45 units. When we pass the 45 units, we start paying $55 per unit. This was reasonable and we were thankful.”The residents complained, however, that ever since the company got a different administration, things have become hard.They said that without even consulting with residents, the company’s officials distributed notices stating that the tariff increase would take immediate effect.“They don’t even know if we can afford to pay this increase,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, yet dey set it so high. Nobody asked us anything. All they said is that we have to pay the increase for this whole month. How dey gon do that? The least they could’ve done was inform the people that they got an increase, so that we all know how to manage the expenses.”The resident told this newspaper that he was made to understand that a meeting will be held on Friday, where the company’s officials are planning to “sensitise” residents about the increase.

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