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Cheap NFL Jerseys China and selected for assistance by FFTP









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發表於 2018-4-21 10:21:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Striving to meet and assist as many as possible of the poorest of the poor on the local shores, Food for the Poor (FFTP), on Wednesday last, marked 18 years of existence in Guyana.The entity’s management vows that the organisation will maintain its mandate.On its anniversary, FFTP provided 20 farmers affected by past floodwaters, with cheques of $250,000 each, to officially launch an ‘Ann’s Grove Farmers Poultry Project’.The farmers, drawn from the Ann’s Grove and the surrounding communities of Bee Hive, Nabaclis, Two Friends, Doch Four, Clonbrook and Nootenzuil, through this project, will be provided with an opportunity to improve their livelihood through the rearing of broiler chicks.Michele Branker, Public Relations Manager FFTP, said under this project, each of the twenty farmers will received 300 broiler chicks, 32 bags of feed, a water can,Wholesale China NFL Jerseys, feeding bins and vitamins to help them to get back on their feet after losing their crops to floods.Members of the Aliki Women’s Handicraft and Development Association social group and FFTP head Leon Davis (at right) examine the utensils. “We want them to be able to become self-dependent again,” Branker said. The venture is being managed by FFTP’s Project Department under the rules of the organization, similar to that of the ongoing New Amsterdam prisons project.On Wednesday,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys, too,Cheap Jerseys Online, the organisation handed over more than $400,000 worth of kitchen utensils and appliances to the Aliki Women’s Handicraft and Development Association,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, a social group located along the Essequibo River.The presentation included a Frigidaire freezer, refrigerator, four pots, two basins, a frying Pan, knives, five-gallon buckets with covers and twenty-four pairs of long boots.  The group also collected several sewing machines to assist with producing school clothing for children in the community.Making the presentation was FFTP Director, Leon Davis.  Lynette Whittington, vice chairperson of the group, accepted the items on behalf of the entity.Four of twenty farmers affected by past flood waters,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, and selected for assistance by FFTP, collect their $250,000 cheques. The Aliki farming community has benefited from many other donations from Food for the Poor.The women’s group has already secured a building in which craft and sewing classes are being conducted and the group is also striving to teach the women of the community a marketable skill.  Twelve sets of seven computers were also donated to Ms Zena Bourne of the Pomeroon, to assist her organisation.Operating a resort in that community,China Jerseys Cheap, Bourne said that electricity is assured from solar and wind energy for the children to be taught computer classes for eight weeks in the summer. Upon arrival in Guyana seven years ago, Ms. Bourne could not believe that the highest average education was up to age eleven in the Pomeroon environs and that the children had to paddle for hours to get to school.As such she started the organisation and raised funds to secure a boat and engine. Unfortunately the engine broke down and the children were out of school for more than a week before Food for the Poor stepped in.The community recently collected a Yamaha 75-horsepower boat engine from FFTP. (Mondale Smith)

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