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[平板電腦] Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic Dr. Ashni Singh









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發表於 2018-4-21 10:22:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The 2011 budget contains increases that will benefit approximately 50,000 people on Public Assistance or receiving Old Age pensions.Yesterday, Minister of Finance, Dr. Ashni Singh, announced the increases in his 2011 budget speech in the National Assembly.The more than 9,000 persons currently receiving Public Assistance at a rate of $4,900 per month, can now expect that amount to increase to $5,500 per month effective February 1, 2011. The Public Assistance programme targets cases of temporarily incapacitated individuals.According to Minister Singh,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a critical factor for the “reduction in the level of the vulnerability of the disadvantaged, is the establishment of mechanisms geared to support the provision of employment opportunities such as the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency launched in November 2010, an online vacancy registration service, which allows for automated registration and employment matching. This year will see the continuation of both programmes.”In continued efforts by the state to assist the homeless, the Minister noted that “the construction of the 300-bed residential centre for rehabilitation and reintegration at Onverwagt has commenced and is expected to be completed later this year while the Night Shelter has extended its capacity by 60 persons to now cater for 250 persons providing them with meals, medical assistance and more importantly accommodation on a 24-hour basis.”Meanwhile, the Old Age Pension programme which assists some 42,000 senior citizens will see an added increase in the monthly amounts released there as well. The Minister announced that the seniors can expect to get $7,500 a month as of February 1, 2011. This is a 14 per cent increase over the current sum of $6,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale,600. Water payments are also subsidised for those pensioners who qualify giving the elderly some measure of independence and the ability to take care of themselves.And for those seniors who are unable to do so for whatever reason the state has taken their wellbeing into consideration as well. Rehabilitation works are currently being undertaken on the Palms Geriatric Institution. Part of the completed work is a recreation facility which is now operational. The facility features a reading room, exercise room and canteen services.The Minister said, “In 2011, efforts will be placed on providing more opportunities for improving the physical and social well being of our elderly in social services and health care in addition to the continued financial support in the form of old age pensions and water payment subsidies.”In the 2010 budget while the focus was on Single Parents and children with the budget allocating some $50M to provide day care vouchers as well as child-friendly job training to single parents this year the WOW – or Women of Worth – became the focal point.Last June, the Women of Worth (WOW) programme was launched in collaboration with the Guyana Bank For Trade and Industry (GBTI) and it resulted in over 500 women benefiting from approval of loans ranging from $100,000 to $250,000.The Minister stated that “in 2011, under the WOW programme a further 1,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping,720 applicants are expected to be processed. In addition, intensive outreach will be done in hinterland regions to ensure that women across the country are able to take advantage of these opportunities.To further aid these vulnerable women,Dale Hawerchuk Jersey, training programmes under the Guyana Women’s Leadership Institute (GWLI) were used and at least 150 women were given the opportunity to improve their skills through training. It was pointed out that the majority of single parents are women who continue to benefit from the training and start up grant funding for graduates under the Single Parent programme.Last year, 333 single parents from Regions Two,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Three, Four,NFL Jerseys From China, Five, Six, and Ten graduated in such areas as cosmetology, computer repairs and electrical installation.While this year GWLI will train 220 women and $25 million is allocated for the single parent programme which will expand to Region Seven and will target 400 persons.

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