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Air Max 97 Wholesale ij5cnwo3









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發表於 2018-4-21 11:17:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Corruption eats away the foundation of people’s faith in Government. It undermines and destabilizes nations. That is wha de great Mahatma Gandhi seh and is true. Corruption is de mother of all crimes suh when Soulja Bai seh that drug trafficking is de mother of crimes he got to be mekking joke.Drug trafficking might be de stepmother. That is why dem boys can’t understand why people mekking all this fuss over Dataram. Dem issue wanted bulletin and de only reason dem boys believe this happen is because dem probably want Dataram in de prison fuh cook.  He fat already and he belly big already suh dem probably want he back get big too.Of course dem got things more important than Dataram. For example Carl find something that knock Dataram clean out of he mind. He find de Chief of Staff of de GDF. De man short like him,Air Max 97, suh he can’t feel lonely. De other day when dem had to pose fuh photograph you don’t have to guess who was standing next to who.That is why dem boys seh that Soulja Bai got other things to think and to worry about. He must focus pun some crucial things like de steel wha BaiShanLin had and wha nobody can’t find. He must focus pun dem land that Bharrat tek fuh heself and wha he give to some of he friends and family.He do good job when he focus and clamp down pun BaiShanLin. He also got to do a good job by keeping he eye pun all of dem who cutting deals like de one who didn’t even test de drink wha Topco mek and still seh Topco drink ain’t qualify.Then dem got GECOM wheh people ducking bids fuh leh dem friends bids go through. Imagine that four people bid fuh something worth $10. One bid come in fuh $12 and one come in fuh $12.50. But de two friends send in one fuh $50 and de other send in one fuh $71. Dem is two buddy.Bet you last dollar that de lowest bid that de tender board gun see is de one fuh $50.Talk half and Dataram is de least of de worries.

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