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Just a few short days after he was bestowed with the Cacique’s Crown of Honour, West Indies batting star,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, Shivarine Chanderpaul was again honoured when the City Mayor rerenamed New Garden Street, from Lance Gibbs Street to South Road,Cheap Nike Air Max 97 Shoes, ‘Shiv Chanderpaul Drive.’The street sign was unveiled by Chanderpaul and his wife yesterday at a simple ceremony which was preceded by glowing tributes that highlighted his many achievements. Shivnarine Chanderpaul, CCH,Air Max 97 Silver, unveils the street sign for ‘Shiv Chanderpaul Drive’Chanderpaul,Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, in response to the accolade, thanked City Mayor Hamilton Green.He reminisced on the time when he was yet a young boy and the mayor had presented him with some cricket gear and urged him to strive for success.Tiger,Cheap Air Max 90 Shoes, as is he also known, told the small gathering that he never expected at that time that he would have a street named after him much less the one that he once used to get to the cricket ground that he played on so many times.He also thanked the Guyanese supporters who he said were the driving force behind his performance each time he was on his home soil playing the game he loved so much. He subsequently told media operatives that never in his wildest dreams as a boy growing up did he imagine being the recipient of a National Award plus have a street named after him.Described as the best batsman the world at present, Chanderpaul, when asked what message did he have for young cricketers, said that it was a tough game but “you have to persevere…you have to put in the hard work and keep persisting and work towards the goal that you set in the back of your mind.”Mayor Green,Air Max 97, prior to the unveiling of the street sign bearing Chanderpaul’s name, said that very often in human history praises are heaped on persons long after they have died.He posited that it was a practice that must be broken and people be honoured when they are alive so that they could appreciate it fully.The City mayor posited that an act of appreciation such as naming a street after a person will remain for time immemorial and future generations who traverse the street will have mental reflections of the person that was honoured.Local Government Minister Kellawan Lall,Air Max 98 Gundam Price, who was also present, told the gathering that Chanderpaul was a role model to young people in that he has demonstrated that with diligent work and discipline a lot can be achieved.“We are very honoured to name a part of this country after you…It is a recognition of a young Guyanese who has done wonders for the country and himself.”

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