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發表於 2018-4-21 13:27:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A man in whom the police had expressed an interest for questioning into a murder has turned himself in.According to a police release,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, about 19:30hours on Tuesday the man along with his lawyer presented himself to police at the Criminal Investigation Department,Air Max 97 NZ, Headquarters,Cheap Air Max 90 Men Shoes, Eve Leary. The man has since been identified as ex-police man Otis Grant.The police said that Grant was wanted for questioning in relation to the murder of Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris who was shot and killed at her home at Robb Street, Georgetown, on June 30, 2011.According to the police subsequent investigations led to a search on a building under construction at Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara,Nike Air Max 98 Og, during which a .22 rifle and a .243 rifle were found. The building is located a mere two doors from where Grant lived.A source said that the man’s property was searched but nothing was found. Up to press times yesterday Grant was still in police custody assisting with investigations.Clementine Parris, also known as Clementine Fiedtkou,Nike Air Max 2018 Mens Shoes, of Lot 42 Robb Street Bourda (between Light and Cummings Street),Air Max 97 Silver, was shot twice under the armpit, once in the chest and once in the back by one of the gunmen who was standing by the front door.Her killers had pretended that they knew her and were paying a visit. They shot the woman even as she stepped out of a bedroom in her modest home to meet with the visitors.Mrs. Parris’s brother, Fitzroy Fiedtkou, was sitting on his sister’s front step at the time and witnessed his sister’s murder.Mr. Fiedtkou had told Kaieteur News that he was sitting on the front step of his sister’s home “waiting to see Oprah” on television, when “two very young men in dark clothes” came up the steps.According to the brother, he didn’t look too closely at them, since he assumed that they were the sons of the church-members who frequently visited his sister.’”He said the men asked for ‘Auntie,’ but then one of the men drew a firearm, stepped closer to the front door,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, and shot his 72-year-old sister, who had just come from her bedroom.The killers then fled.On Tuesday Roy Jacobs of Evans Street Charlestown was charged and remanded to prison for Parris’ murder.

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