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[原創音樂] Nike Air Max Tn Ultra Plus GPSU









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發表於 2018-4-21 15:37:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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At least one union has indicated an interest in observing the upcoming Regional and General Elections.On Wednesday the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) met with the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) to finalise plans for the elections.The commission, in a release yesterday,Cheap Nike Shox Shoes, explained that its Chairman,Air Max 97 Undefeated White, Dr. Steve Surujbally, was part of that meeting to put the necessary arrangements in place.GECOM meets GPSU: From left to right are Dr. Steve Surujbally, Keith Lowenfield, Vishnu Persaud, Trevor Daly, Vera Naughton,Nike Air Max Shoes Sale, Anicia Mangra,Cheap Air Max 2018, Mortimer Livan, and Reginald Brotherson.Welcoming the GPSU’s interest to be accredited as Local Observers, Dr. Surujbally was said to have invited the union’s representatives at the meeting to submit the names of the members of the “Council of Management”, including those who would be coordinating observation work at the regional levels, for accreditation.“Thereafter, the union will be required to submit for accreditation, the names of persons who would actually observe the elections. The GECOM Chairman cautioned that eleventh hour changes to the list of the names of persons to be accredited as Local Observers could prove to be dis-advantageous to the union insofar as the issuance of letters of accreditation and respective identification badges are concerned.”During the meeting, Dr. Surujbally also urged the GPSU to work in direct collaboration with Gocool Boodoo – Chief Election Officer for accreditation of Local Observers are concerned,Air Max 2018 Shoes, and to consult with the Commission before making pronouncements on any matter relevant to the preparations for and conduct of the elections.“Also,Air Max Zero Sale, he noted that the GPSU should follow GECOM’s protocol as documented for Local Observers, a deviation from which could result in the accreditation being suspended or withdrawn.”The commission will be making GECOM personnel available in an advisory capacity during a two-day training session which the union would be conducting as a capacity building measure targeting persons who would be accredited as observers.The GPSU had written GECOM, indicating its interest to be accredited as a Local Observer for the upcoming General and Regional Elections.GPSU was represented at the meeting by Mortimer Livan – First Vice-President; Vera Naughton – Education Officer; Trevor Daly – Organising Secretary; Anicia Mangra – Legal and Research Assistant, and Reginald Brotherson- Member.Surujbally was accompanied by Keith Lowenfield – Assistant Chief Election Officer, and Vishnu Persaud – Public Relations Officer.

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