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發表於 2018-4-21 18:07:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday 32 ranks of the Joint Services successfully completed the Junior Officers’ Course after enduring some two months of intense training. The officers were each presented with their certificates during a simple ceremony which was held at the Police Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary.Some of the officers who completed the Junior Officers’ Course No.22On the occasion Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, commended the ranks for their endurance, participation and dedication. He further lauded the efforts of the force’s administration which he said has clearly recognized the importance of strengthening the middle management of the force and at the same time strengthens the capacity.“The force has recognized the importance of training at all levels as such; you the members are no exception. I am sure that the training that you have received will enhance your performance and will equip you with the needed knowledge to take up leadership roles within the force and allow you to cope with challenges that will confront you from day to day,” the Minister noted.He added that the force training officer was tasked with ensuring that officers were trained in various subject areas and from all reports,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale, the training officer did not fail.“You all have benefitted from facilitators from the University of Guyana; from some of your superiors, politicians and persons from other areas all of whom made significant contributions.”The Minister added that it is his hope that the officers will return to their respective posts with renewed knowledge and they must at the same time make maximum use of the knowledge acquired to bring about change.He further challenged the officers to carry out their functions in a professional manner more so when dealing with members of the public. The Minster added that as the days go by, the challenges of law enforcement are becoming more difficult with the rapidly growing information technology.“We now have to deal with a new age of crime. Cyber crime is something we must be able to deal with while we still have a lot more to do with the other crimes we have happening,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men,” Minister Rohee further stated that there needs to be a more comprehensive approach towards domestic violence and teenagers who are involved in crimes.He lauded the efforts of the Guyana Police Force for establishing youth and scout groups in some depressed area. This, he noted, is a good method of tackling the issue of youths involved in crimes.Acting Commissioner of Police Leroy Brumell shared similar sentiments as he congratulated the officers for completing the course. He too called on the officers to make the best of the knowledge imparted to them by the facilitators as they go back to their respective post. Brumell called on the officers to continue to be good leaders and to apply what they were taught as it would be beneficial not only to them but to those whom they serve.“The training you have received will not only make you better individuals but it will make your organization better,Nike Shox Gravity Black, your family better and your community better.”The Junior Officers’ Course commenced on March 5,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, with 32 participants under the theme “Training for greater efficiency and effective management”The objectives were to improve the professional competence, upgrade participants’ knowledge in the art of leadership, techniques of human behaviors and the skills of communications,Baker Mayfield Jersey, upgrade participants’ competence in the use of English as a means of increasing the effectiveness of their job performance and to enable participants to appreciate their role in the context of the legal framework pertaining to Guyana.The course covered topics such as management, report writing, gender issues, motivation and job satisfaction, dynamics of stress, power and politics, module two administrative issues, the role of the sub division officer,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, climate change and some aspects of psychology.Facilitators included members of the Joint Services, political leaders and lecturers from the University of Guyana.

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