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發表於 2018-4-21 19:04:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Courtesy of Enrico Woolford in New YorkThe jury in the trial of Roger Khan’s former attorney,Baker Mayfield Jersey, Robert Simels, heard more sordid details of the drug trade, intimidation, killings and official sanction in Guyana. The witness for the Prosecution, Selwyn Vaughn, was on the stand for the second day yesterday.The jury heard a tape recording in which the star witness contradicted an assertion that Simels made, that former Army major David Clarke’s wife, Captain Fraser nursed Rondell Rawlins aka Fine Man of Buxton back to health.The witness, who knew that Simels was in constant contact with Roger Khan,Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, stated that Roger Khan himself would be able to confirm that he Vaughn kept Rawlins in a safe house in Agricola during the period when the Guyanese police were on the hunt for him and when Fineman was injured.“Rawlins was in a house provided by me.” Vaughn told the court in New York. “He was not in Buxton and he (Vaughn) was the only one who had access to him in that house. “Something that Roger himself would be able to confirm,” the witness stated in sworn testimony.In telephone conversations played through his testimony, the former Roger Khan Phantom Squad member continued to link Government officials in Guyana with the Roger Khan case, in particular Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.The transcripts and the audio tapes referred to a discussion where the two men said that “Ramsammy is hiding too because with Roger now gone, people are looking out for themselves.”In one of the conversations, the prominent defence attorney is heard discussing that he wanted to see (President) Bharrat (Jagdeo).Simels told the informer (when he Simels was unaware that he was being recorded) that there was a promise from Guyana for the provision of a $250 million grant – an apparent reference to the equivalent of US$1.2 million.Specifically Simels told the informant, “When I go to Guyana, I am going to have a long conversation with them, if they will see me, to tell them you know, he (Roger Khan) is a stand up guy for you, even up here”.The informer turned star witness then said,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk, “Ramsammy would see you. Simels then went on to say  I don’t want to see him I want to see Bharrat and I want to tell Bharrat straight up what Roger has told me that  (would) make Bharrat say maybe we need to help this kid.”In the taped conversation,Cheap Nike Air Max 2018, the attorney said he wanted the President to protest that Khan was kidnapped by the US, and to give him letters that Dr. Roger Luncheon,Off White Nike Vapormax Release Date, the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, had on former Army Major David Clarke, now under indictment in New York. Clarke was expected to testify against Roger Khan,Adidas Nmd r1 Women, and Simels is charged with trying to neutralise or eliminate witnesses, including Clarke.Simels in the audio tapes said these are all things that Bharrat could do because he was getting nowhere with Rohee, and the one who wants to be Attorney General, Anil Nandlall.Simels claimed that every time he went down to Guyana, Police Commissioner Henry Greene ‘dissed’ him. The witness Vaughn then added, “You know strange enough, when Roger (Khan) was there (in Guyana), you know he picks up the phone… he told them to send 400 troops into Buxton and it was done”.The prosecution witness also told the court that things can happen in Guyana.“People would be killed and the story would die a natural death and nobody would look at it (after that).”Reference was made to the infamous laptop, where it was said that the triangulation equipment was not in the wrong hands, it is the right hands and David Clarke’s phone numbers were on the laptop signifying that he was a target marked by Roger Khan. Several more names including owners of major hotels, nightspots and even barbershops were mentioned with telephone numbers of contact made with these individuals by now self-confessed narcotics trafficker Shaheed Roger Khan.These “businessmen owe Khan a lot of money,” the packed courtroom heard.Yesterday’s court hearing attracted a few curious Guyanese from the New York area. Some took the lunch hour to attend the hearing while others were there all day.Khan faces at least 15 years in jail if the court accepts the sentence from the plea agreement he made.The trial continues today.

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