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發表於 2018-4-21 20:17:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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No one would have blamed him,Nike Air Max 95 Mens.
"I never give up," Alexander said, again remembering his brother. "He wouldn't want me to give up. It was all for him."
As Alexander left the field, his emotions finally caught up with him.
Alexander actually picked off two passes, returning the first of them 93 yards out of his own end zone before he was finally run down by Falcons star receiver Julio Jones.
"When you're doing something for a purpose, family is a strong thing,Air Max 97 Buy Online," Winston said. "When something happens to your family and you're a true man and you go out and represent for your family like that, that just says a lot. Everybody in that locker room has tremendous respect for the man that he is.
ATLANTA (AP) — Kwon Alexander had the best game of his young career.
He was ready to get back to his family.
He could tell how much Alexander wanted it.

Quarterback Jameis Winston figured his fellow rookie would have a big game.
He did it for his little brother.
The play set up a touchdown that gave the Bucs a 13-3 halftime lead.
Before the first quarter was done, he stripped the ball from Jones after a reception over the middle, returning it 20 yards to set up a field goal. Then, late in the first half, Alexander intercepted another pass from Ryan, returning it 15 yards to midfield. After he was tackled,2018 Nike Vapor Max Plus, he pointed toward the roof of the Georgia Dome.
Alexander could have sat the game out.
"When you talk about the true definition of a man,Air Max 98 Sale, it's the way he overcomes adversity and the way that he took the field,Air Max 97 Undefeated Uk," Winston said. "We saw in his eyes that he was here for a purpose."
Instead, the fourth-round pick out of LSU decided to take the field.
"Sometimes when you are going through tough times like that, you need to be around your other family, doing something that you really love, to take your mind off of what's going on at home," coach Lovie Smith said.
That play didn't count, it was overturned because the Buccaneers were offside.
"For him to be a rookie is even more amazing," the quarterback added. "That's my brother."
"Losing a 17-year-old brother, I can only imagine what the family is going through. I'm just glad his teammates were there for him to provide support as much as anything. I left it up to him as to what he wanted to do."
He broke down in tears.
Playing less than 48 hours after his 17-year-old sibling, Broderick Taylor, was shot to death during a fight in their hometown of Anniston, Ala., Alexander had an interception and a fumble recovery in Tampa Bay's 23-20 overtime victory over the Atlanta Falcons on Sunday.
"It has been hard losing my little brother,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes For Men Sale," said Alexander, a rookie linebacker. "But I know that he would want me to be strong for him, so I came out here and dedicated this game to him."
Alexander was just getting warmed up.

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