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Bradley Chubb Jersey and his aunt









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發表於 2018-4-21 23:22:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An Ogle labourer and his family are calling for charges to be laid after he was beaten severely by several men Saturday.The men,Air Max 95 Sale, he said, are closely linked to an Ogle businesswoman who was recently embroiled in another incident in which a maid was locked in a bond and threatened after she was accused of stealing.According to Richard Delapara, of Sugrim Singh Road, Ogle, he was accused of stealing and dragged from his home and beaten on the road,Air Max Zero Be True, before being released.The labourer who works in the hinterlands on a gold dredge recalled that he was just emerging from his downstairs bathroom around 17:00hrs Saturday when he saw two men in the yard.Richard Delapara (right) and his aunt, Marcelle Welch.“One of them had he hands by he waist and de other hold me by me T-shirt. They keep telling me I is a thief.” According to Delapara,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, he was dragged to the roadway in front of his home.His neighbour’s SUV was parked there with the businesswoman sitting inside, watching the proceedings.“One man keep hitting meh head. He had on something like a glove.”Delapara said the son of the businesswoman also threatened to “end” his life and wipe his family out.The men stayed with Delapara for about 15 minutes, continuously beating him before they left.According to Marcelle Welch, an aunt, the family went to the Sparendaam Police Station where no statements were taken.“I was bleeding.”However, police took Delapara to the businesswoman’s home,Nike Vapor Max Plus Triple Black, which is located right next door to the labourer.“They pass the house and seh like nobody ain’t deh home. Dem tell me they gun call.” However,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, the family said that there were no calls.“I went to them yesterday and I behave bad and is only then that they take a statement. They tell Richard that when he see the men dem to call.”The family even went down to the police Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) and spoke to Mohamed Jameer,Nike Vapormax Plus Sunset, the senior officer there, who sent them with a note to Sparendaam.“We not taking it like this. We have to get justice. They just can’t beat people like this,” an angry Welch said.The police yesterday said that ranks were searching for the businesswoman and the men.

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