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…urges swift adoption of recommendation of Disciplined Forces reportThe Peoples National Congress Reform on Friday last used the opportunity of their weekly press briefing to salute the Guyana Police Force (GPF), “particularly those dedicated and hardworking members”, on its 171st Anniversary.PNCR Member of Parliament, Amna Ally, told media operatives that, “As this vital institution begins yet another decade of service to the people of Guyana, the PNCR challenges it to designate the decade 2010 to 2020 as The Decade of Enhancing Our Human Resources”.She said that while the Organisation celebrates the significant milestone,Calvin Ridley Jersey, the PNCR notes with sadness the recent tragic events that have led to the death of several policemen and she on behalf of her party extended condolences to the dead rank’s relatives.She said that the party had hoped that the celebration of the Anniversary would have gone by with all members of the GPF striving to avoid the behavioural patterns that have earned them widespread condemnation and have contributed to the loss of public confidence.Regrettably, she said, the Party is compelled to condemn the shooting of 17-year-old Osafo Johnson by a policeman while on a search for wanted man called “Cobra”.Police ranks conducting a searchAccording to the teenager and other eye witnesses, the Policeman who shot and later arrested him knew that he was not the wanted man.Eyewitnesses according to Ally also claim that the young man was shot in his back.Police had previously mistakenly arrested him prior to the shooting for “Cobra”, so he is convinced that the policemen on the operation were well aware that he was not the wanted man. “Questions as to the motive for the shooting must of necessity arise…Residents are convinced that there is more than meets the eye and the PNCR puts the GPF on notice that it would be resolutely pursuing this matter to ensure that justice is served.”Police Commissioner Henry Greene had told members of the media last week that the young man was armed with a gun and was shooting at the police prior to him being shot.“It’s a 17 year old with a gun, shooting at the police, we responded to it,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes For Men Sale, he was shot, we recovered a weapon,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale,” the Commissioner of Police stated.Ally reminded that her party has in recent years consistently called for modern and appropriate training/retraining of all policemen and policewomen, “and we remain convinced that such action is central to the transformation of the GPF into a modern twenty first century service.”She said that the recent events involving members of our Guyana Police Force have shown,Adidas Shoes On Sale Cheap, in most graphic ways, how urgent the enhancement of the Force’s human resources is.“This training/retraining we believe must start at the recruitment stage.”She pointed to the recently adopted report of the Disciplined Forces Commission, which states that “The minimum educational criterion for recruitment should be raised from a sound primary education to at least a sound secondary education”.She said that at the time of recruitment, “we also recommend that a psychological analysis be done on every potential rank.”The report also states “Career attractiveness should be enhanced by e.g. the review of salary structure and substantial increases in remuneration”.She said that her Party also endorses the many recommendations and “we call on the Jagdeo Regime to set a finite time limit within which the salaries and other benefits of members of the police Force will be enhanced.”Ally charged that until the GPF is given the financial resources, to first attract and then train and retain its members,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale, the country will continue to see more unlawful shootings by members of the GPF, “more unsolved crimes; and,Nike Air Max 97 Buy, more unnecessary confrontations with the public, which have the debilitating effect of an increasingly unco-operative public and an increasing sense of helplessness by victims of crime.”

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