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Nike Tns Sale Brigadier









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發表於 2018-4-22 02:47:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Addressing a ‘Let’s talk’ youth forum sponsored by Blue CAPS,2018 Nike Air Max 98, Leader of the Opposition Brigadier David Granger said that the bedrock of ABlueCAPS with Opposition Leader,Mens Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, Brigadier (Ret’d) David GrangerPartnership for National Unity-APNU’s  policy is the development of an ‘Education Nation.’ Speaking at Blue CAPS headquarters yesterday (January27th) Granger said that APNU was committed to providing a quality education from nursery to university. The leader of APNU said that every year some 6000 students drop out of schools. “This type of hemorrhaging we cannot afford.” He said that the drop-out rate was not sustainable and has a direct link to unemployment and high rates of crime and youth incarceration.Addressing the underfunding, lack of resources and governmental interference by the Peoples Progressive Party of the University of Guyana,Cheap Womens Jordan Sneakers, Granger said,College Jerseys, “It is heart breaking. We have to give the University of Guyana what it needs……an APNU government will make teachers the highest paid public servants…..an APNU government is going to pump more money into UG to bring it on par with Cave Hill,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, St. Augustine and Mona.  The Cyril Potter College of Education must likewise get the resources it needs to produce quality teachers….we are in the information age and APNU commits to giving every teacher a Lap-Top.” The APNU leader also made a promise that under an APNU administration all graduates of the University of Guyana would be assured employment within twelve months of graduating and technical institutes would be constructed in every region of the country.Brigadier Granger said that education was the area where the Peoples Progressive Party Civic administration had failed the people of Guyana the most. Granger told those in attendance that APNU was going to be the next government of Guyana,Air Max 97 Silver, and would establish a government of national unity. The APNU leader said the time had come to put an end to winner take all politics and one party rule.

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