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Air Max 90 Black And White Womens said ‘where the money









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發表於 2018-4-22 02:50:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Three held, slain man’s phone recoveredIt appears to have taken detectives just a little over one week to track down the gunmen who killed Rubis account executive Jason Cort in his Jamoon Drive, Meadow Brook home.Jason CortSources at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary confirmed yesterday that investigators have detained three men who appear to be linked to Cort’s murder, which occurred two Wednesdays ago. They have also recovered the slain man’s mobile phone.Kaieteur News understands that two of the suspects are Tucville residents and the third is from Stevedore Housing Scheme. Investigators were still taking statements from the suspects up to late yesterday evening.Cort, a 27-year-old account executive, was shot in the chest at around 22.30 hrs. last week Wednesday, shortly after he had arrived home with his fiancée, Shauna Garraway. He died subsequently at the Balwant Singh Hospital.The killers took Cort’s licenced firearm, gold band, chain and ring,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, mobile phone and an Xbox console.According to reports, the couple,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, who have a two-year-old son, had just come from a Kingston location, and were preparing to head to another venue on the East Bank of Demerara when the attack occurred.Cort’s fiancée, Shauna Garraway, had told Kaieteur News that after they had arrived home, she went to the top flat, while Cort remained in the bottom flat.“I was about to come downstairs when I heard a gunshot. I then heard Jason cry out,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale, and someone (else) said ‘where the money? Give me the money.”Garraway said that she hid under a bed,Nike Air Force One Shoes For Sale, while trying to contact the police, relatives and friends. She said she eventually contacted her mother, who summoned the police. She also contacted one of her fiancé’s friends,Cheap Nike Air Max Plus, but remained in hiding, since she was still hearing the intruder’s footsteps.The friend eventually arrived and found Cort lying in the house,Nike Shox Gravity 2018, near the southern doorway in the bottom flat. The wounded man was rushed to the Balwant Singh Hospital, where he succumbed.Garraway believes that Cort may have left the southern door open when they arrived home. She could not recall hearing any vehicle leaving the area after her fiancé was shot.Cort had worked for about four years at Rubis Guyana Inc.Kaieteur News understands that police have received several recent reports about robberies and burglaries in the section of Meadow Brook Gardens where the slain man resided.Police have been kept busy in recent weeks by a spate of gun-related and other murders that have pushed the homicide rate to 78 in less than six months.Guns were used in at least 27 slayings, with at least 12 of these deaths being execution-style killings. Sixty-six murders were recorded at the end of May 2015, in comparison to 59 homicides at the end of May 2014.

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