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[本地歌詞] Cheap Air Force 1 Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture









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發表於 2018-4-22 04:06:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Culture is off to a pleasant start for this year, as its plans this time around will be built on a very sturdy foundation since most of its projects were successful last year.This is according to Culture Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony who declared 2013 to be a successful one for the Ministry. He added that he is very pleased that his Ministry was able to execute most of its plans successfully which were aimed at improving its trinity; Culture, Youth and Sport.Alfred King,Cheap Jordan Shoes For Sale, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture (left) flanked by Culture Minister Dr. Frank Anthony (right)While the Minister did not negate that there were some challenges last year,Nike Air Max 98 Tour Yellow, he did disclose at the end of year press conference yesterday which was held at his Ministry on Main Street, Georgetown that the Ministry will be striving for much more improvements this year.The Minister gave a lengthy presentation on its successes for 2013.  He also highlighted that some of the projects which started in 2013 and have rolled over into this year without being completed will definitely be at the top of their “to-do list.”Some of these include the Synthetic Athletics Track at Leonora, West Coast Demerara,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, and the 25-meter warm-up pool at the National Aquatic Centre at Liliendaal,Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, Turkeyen.The Minister said that there will be moves to start the work on the 25-meter warm up pool which will serve as a compliment to the 50-metre swimming pool at the National Aquatic Centre at Turkeyen, which he says is recognized internationally.He also made reference to the fact that moves have already been made to continue works on the Synthetic Athletics Track. Some of the work on the track will be done by the construction giant, BK International.As it relates to the development of Youth, the Minister highlighted some of the 217 community projects that they were able to successfully complete. The projects entailed the distribution of almost $1M to communities in an effort to help them develop certain facilities.He also stressed that much effort will be placed into supporting the Sport discipline.He added that works will be done on the resource centre on Woolford Avenue in an effort to develop a system where information can be readily available for those who wish to become certified in the field even at the CXC level.It is against this background that the Minister explained that he will continue to work feverishly towards ensuring that an institution is established to facilitate accreditation in the area.In addition,2018 Nike Air Max 97, Dr. Anthony also stated that there were 250 persons who graduated from the Kuru  Kuru Training College with passing grades and added that there is already a plan in place to further develop the institution.He said that with the assistance of a Canadian professor,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, a plan is being crafted on how to effectively develop the learning facility in every aspect. The first draft of this initiative has been submitted to the Minister already.

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