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發表於 2018-4-22 05:20:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The government, through the Government Information Agency,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, issued a statement refuting that it had participated in secret deals. The statement read:The Government of Guyana (GoG) rejects the continued misrepresentation of the Kaieteur News of the various government projects and initiatives which seek to transform the country. The latest being the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Guyana and Ansa McAl Group on the exploring the possibility of ethanol production in Guyana.The Government of Guyana has recognized the importance of energy security and took the initiative of hosting the Caribbean’s first forum on expanding Bio Energy Opportunities in the Caribbean of August 2007. This forum resulted in the Inter American Development Bank partnering with the GoG through a technical cooperation to expand Bio Energy Opportunities in Guyana.In July 2010,Adidas Superstar Shoes On Sale, the GoG through public tendering awarded a contract to NUMARK Associates Inc. of the United States for the Service Consultancy to expand Bio Energy Opportunities in Guyana.  As part of the Terms of Reference, NUMARK was tasked with compiling a list of potential Bio Energy Investors who may be interested in investing in Guyana.Based on the NUMARK’s report and the proposals received from investors,Nike Air Max 97 Buy, ANSA McAl was selected after their proposal was scrutinized by technical experts in the field of Bio Energy,Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, which was subsequently approved and signed on September 30,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, 2011 and witnessed by representatives of the Government and Ansa A McAL.To suggest this was a secret deal is not only misleading but a gross misrepresentation of the reality and part of the continued campaign to cast aspersions on the PPP/C Government.It must be recalled that similar accusations were made in relation to the impending project to modernize and expand the airport,Wholesale Air Max Tn, the plan to construct the Marriot Hotel and the on-going One Laptop per Family project.In all of these cases,Nike Air Max Zero White, the accusation of lack of transparency was refuted. All of these projects were developed through a public procurement process. The Government challenges any publication or political group to show where these projects were done in secret and not consistent with our various laws and regulations.

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