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Nike Air Max 2018 Release Sandy









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發表於 2018-4-22 06:24:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Nikita Glasgow,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, a 20-year-old woman, is among three shot at the Ghetto Flex Bar on James and Albouys Streets,Nike Air Max 90 Black Women, Albouystown around 01:45 hrs yesterday by a group of men.Courtney SandyInjured alongside Glasgow of East Ruimveldt are Randy Bharrat, 39,Mens Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, of Albouystown and Courtney Sandy, 28,Cheap Adidas Sneakers Online, of Light Street,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, Georgetown.Police in a statement, said that Bharrat and a group of men got involved in an argument at the bar during which they pulled out firearms and discharged several rounds.The 39-year-old man was shot to his back while Glasgow and Sandy were both struck by stray bullets to their feet.The 20-year-old woman has been hospitalized in a stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). She declined to speak to the media but claimed that she does not know the injured men.Bharrat is a patient in the Intensive Care Unit at a private hospital. His father, Egbert said that he is in a stable condition at the hospital.“The doctor didn’t remove the bullet. He (doctor) say it’s not life threatening and they will monitor his condition within the next 24 hours.”The father told Kaieteur News that he does not know anything about the shooting. “I just know my son was shot.”Meanwhile, Sandy,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers, a patient at the GPHC said that he had just purchased a Lucozade drink at the bar and was about to leave when he heard about seven gunshots.“I didn’t see anyone. I just buy the drink and was about to leave when I hear the gunshots and everybody start running. I trying to run through a small pathway but everybody gathered up there,” the injured Sandy stressed.He added that in his bid to escape, he was shot to his foot.“When I was trying to run, I suddenly started to feel a numbness in my foot and I throw down myself on the ground and when the shooting finished, I took a taxi and come to the hospital.”The Ghetto Flex Bar where the three persons were shot.He told Kaieteur News that he didn’t know two other persons were shot until he reached at the hospital.“When I come here then I see the girl at the hospital and I hear another person was shot. I don’t know any of them.”Investigations are ongoing.

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