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Air Max 98 Gundam Price East Bank Demerara









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發表於 2018-4-22 06:24:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– 18-year-old suspect detainedThe life of a promising teenager ended brutally last night after he was stabbed to death in 17th Street, Diamond New Scheme,Wholesale Nike Air Max 97, East Bank Demerara,Cheap Nike Air Max Wholesale, during a quarrel with another youth over a girl.Dead: Rayaad KhanRayaad Khan, 17, of Lot 737 Section ‘C’,NCAA Basketball Jerseys, Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Women, was stabbed in the chest at around 20:00 hrs with a broken bottle during a confrontation with an 18-year-old, who was allegedly unhappy with the attention that his girlfriend was paying to Khan.Khan, who sustained a gaping wound, was rushed to the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital by his father and a cousin. He succumbed shortly after.The suspect has been detained at the Golden Grove Police Station. He is said to be a resident of Diamond New Scheme.The slain teen was the manager of the A. Khan General Store,Nike Air Max Tn Ultra Plus, which is located near his home. He is a former student of the Academy of Professional Studies.Kaieteur News understands that Khan, the suspect and other youths had a confrontation in 17th Street on Wednesday, and that police ranks had intervened.Brian Khan,Adidas Nmd r1 Women, the victim’s father, said that he was told that his son and a cousin were strolling in 17th Street, Diamond New Scheme, when a group of youths attacked his son. Mr. Khan said that the youths allegedly broke bottles and one of them stabbed his son in the right side of his chest.According to Mr. Khan, the cousin who had witnessed the attack contacted him by phone. The father said that he rushed to the scene to find his mortally wounded son lying on the roadway.“When I picked him up he was almost dead on the road.” Mr. Khan said. Staff at the nearby East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital could do nothing to save the teen.Several of his close relatives and friends converged outside the hospital as word of the tragedy spread.Mr. Khan confirmed that his son had had a confrontation with the suspect and friends on Wednesday. He said that he had cautioned his son about returning to the area.The father said that Rayaad had attended the Academy of Professional Studies and was one of the school’s top CXC students. According to his father, Rayaad was “a bright young businessman,” who was operating a large hardware store in Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara.He also travelled frequently overseas, and his father had already made arrangements for the teen to return to the States in August.He is survived by his parents and three other siblings.

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