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發表於 2018-4-22 09:16:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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has emerged as the biggest winners at the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO)/Travelmole Sustainable Tourism Awards,Cheap Nike Epic React Flyknit, held in Trinidad and Tobago during the Sustainable Tourism Conference (STC14).This is the third year in a row that Guyana has carted off major awards at the STC, including the Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism.Karanambu Lodge has copped a regional tourism award, third year in row for Guyana.According to the Ministry of Tourism, of the five nominations submitted, the country received the top awards in the Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Award. This was won by Karanambu Lodge.The Biodiversity Conservation Award went to the Guyana Marine Turtle Conservation Society while the Heritage Award received the National Trust of Guyana.“We are proud of the winners who have worked hard to ensure that their businesses and practices fit in to the country’s overall sustainable development agenda. This is indeed a poignant moment for all of Guyana. Congratulations to all of Guyana on this significant achievement,” Tourism Minister, Irfaan Ali said in making the announcements.The remaining awards included Destination Stewardship which was won by the Puerto Rico Tourism Company; the Best Sustainable Tourism Accommodation which was given to Tryall Club and Villas in Jamaica and the Community Benefit Award which went to Bowden Pen Farmers ‘ Association in Jamaica.Alluding to the significance of this accomplishment, Minister Ali said, “The fact that we won three of the five awards at the STC 14 is further proof that our product is the strongest. This sends an important message to the international community, to international tourists and groups of tourists that look for eco-adventure, nature, adventure, and sustainable tourism…the haven for sustainable tourism resides in Guyana.”Minister Ali noted that with this added recognition, the country can move forward on the progressive frontier of advancing our eco-tourism product and remaining the most outstanding sustainable tourism destination in the Region.Pointing to this year’s awardees, he noted that they all fit into very tight criteria of ensuring that their product is sustainable, that they protect the environment and they integrate the environment in the development of their product.Meanwhile, Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Indranauth Haralsingh who is in Trinidad for the STC 14 Conference;  also recognized the importance winning the various awards will have as Guyana cements its commitment to leading the Region in sustainable development.He said, “We are one step closer to achieving our vision of being the leaders in sustainable tourism development.  Winning the top three awards here, with three recognitions, makes Guyana the leader among the 34 CTO members. Guyana is the only country to have gained a place and a winner in each category.”Setting the precedent in 2011, Surama Eco Lodge won the Excellence in Sustainable Tourism for Guyana, jointly with Harrison Caves in Barbados.Additionally, the country won three of the five top tourism awards at the 13th Sustainable Tourism Conference hosted in Guyana, from April 15-18, 2012Back then, Guyana’s Rupununi region won the 2012 Caribbean Excellence in Sustainable Tourism Award while the Community Benefit Award was presented to the Iwokrama International Centre; and the Biodiversity Award was won by Guyana’s Mangrove Reserve Women Producers’ Project.

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