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發表於 2018-4-22 10:52:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There is a old saying—tek de boo boo out of you eye before you tek dust out you mattie eye. Gerry Gouveia got de nerve to call on the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority that he want a full public disclosure of all airport accident reports. Dis got to be de biggest laugh.He must tell people how when he plane did get thief how he coulda go to Colombia and bring it back. He must also mek a full public disclosure of how he get Duke Lodge building,Baker Mayfield Jersey, how much he pay, and also how he get de building next door when his bid was far lower that de second bid.Dem boys seh that if he can’t do that he must put scotch tape pun he mouth. Brazzy,Cheap Air Max 90, de fat crook who does seh that he ain’t bound to accept de highest,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, sell de same Duke Lodge to Gerry and when people ask he lie and seh that it was de best bid.When Jagdeo was confronted as President he claim how Gerry get de Duke Lodge based on an economic decision.Customs advertise fuh sale in de Chronicle that nobody reads. As far as dem boys concern,Adidas Shoes On Sale, is a secret advertisement. When people want hide money dem does hide it in a Bible because thief man don’t read Bible.That is why Brazzy put de Customs House only in de Chronicle. Nobody reads it.When dem want de whole nation to see and to know something, dem does place de advertisement big and bold in de Waterfalls paper and de Big Market paper.But when dem want to do dem scampishness,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, dem does put de ad small in de Chronicle. Dem does tell de man who must get it to put in a bid.And Brazzy, de fat crook,Nike Tns Cheap Online, and Ash Knee,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, de Shaat crook, suh bareface that dem announce big and bold at de bottom of de ad that de government and Brazzy are not bound to accept de highest or any bid.Why invite people to bid when you ain’t gun accept de highest or no bid at all? Is best you give who you want and tell de nation shut up. And dem only start wid this new line in de advertisements after Jagdeo give Bobby Ramroop Sanata Textiles fuh little or nutten.Well dem boys want ask Ramotar if he gun allow that nonsense to continue, allowing dem fuh thief Guyana and give away de country to who dem feel like giving.Dem boys want to know wha Ramotar gun do wid Brazzy. This is de man who blocking a wind farm project because de man is not he friend and de man is not within dem circle.This man is a competitor to Bobby Ramroop. Brazzy can’t get no kickback from this man. He would want de project fuh heself suh he stalling wid de signing of a certain agreement.Dem boys gun watch keenly if Donald push de pacifier anywhere other than he mouth.Talk half and wait fuh Gerry Gouveia disclosure.

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