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Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Ministers with responsibility for trade gathered at the Princess Ramada Hotel Providence, East Bank Demerara over the past two days for the Forty-Third meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED).At this two-day confab, Ministers focused on the implementation of the CARCOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).Among the matters the Ministers also considered those related to the Community’s external economic and trade relations; trade in agriculture; and health. The latter includes discourse on a Caribbean Regulatory System (CRS) for Medicines,Air Max 2018 Shoes, and Inter-sectoral action against Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).The CRS is an initiative of CARICOM and is managed as a regulatory unit within the Community’s regional public health body, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). It is supported by a number of partners, including the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), PAHO designated National Regulatory Authorities of Regional Reference (NRA/RR) (Argentina, Brazil,Air Max 97 White, Canada,Adidas Shoes On Sale, Chile, Colombia,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes, Cuba,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes For Men Sale, Mexico, United States), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).Minister of Trade and Industry (Suriname), and Chairperson of the meeting, Sieglien Burleson,Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, said that the time is ripe for COTED to really bring economic trade and development to the Region through public-private partnerships and to strengthen institutional relationships within the Community.Burleson zoned in on the unsolved, long-standing issues on the COTED’s agenda and pointed out that the Community cannot afford to have issues like the refusal of market access or “burdensome” administrative procedures in place between each other.“Let us work together to achieve a bigger goal,” she urged.She added that there were important issues on the table that would support growth and development and decisions have to be taken that could determine the way forward for trade negotiations.Joseph Cox, CARICOM Assistant Secretary-General, Trade and Economic Integration, also addressed the opening ceremony. He stressed the need for faster decision-making and the implementation of commitments that were made.Cox called for practical and strategic action in building a healthy trade and investment environment for all member states.He expounded that all the structures that are created should be economically prudent and responsive to the wishes of the people of the Community.“We must continue to build a robust trade and economic environment in which innovation is encouraged, and where benefits are distributed equitably. If we can do this, we will have created a durable vehicle for our growth and development.” He said.

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