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Nike Off White The Ten









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發表於 2018-4-22 13:34:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I have a ton of confidence in our defense and if I have to do it over, I'd do the same thing and put it on our defense," Kelly said Monday. "I thought about the decision at the two-minute warning. I was very,Cheap Air Max 97 Trainers, very confident in our defense and I'm still very, very confident in our defense. The (Cardinals) had two plays for 155 yards, but besides those, our defense is playing at a high level. Our defense is playing very well and they have finished off games before."

Foles threw his first interception from the Cardinals 25 in the second quarter.  He tossed another one from the Eagles 41 in the fourth quarter. Earlier in the game, Josh Huff lost a fumble at the Cardinals 2.
"I don't think it's a pattern," defensive coordinator Billy Davis said. "There's a whole game and a whole bunch of deep balls that we stopped. They made a play at the end. I don't want to excuse them and I don't want to say anything about it being the end of the game where we really needed a play. There was no better call or a way to execute it."
"I thought we were (going for it)," McCoy said. "Chip called us in like we were. I guess he thought about it. The defense played well all game. It wasn't a bad decision."
But the defense had a major breakdown and the Cardinals (6-1) went ahead on a 75-yard TD pass from Carson Palmer to John Brown. Palmer threw an 80-yard TD pass to Larry Fitzgerald earlier in the second half.
The Eagles face the Houston Texans (4-4) on the road next Sunday. They'll have to catch Dallas to defend their NFC East title. The Cowboys entered Monday night's game against Washington at 6-1,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — If Chip Kelly got a do-over on fourth-and-1 from the 2, he would let Cody Parkey kick the 20-yard field goal again.
The score was tied at 17 and the Eagles had a third-and-1 at the Cardinals 2 when LeSean McCoy was stopped for no gain on a run out of the shotgun formation. Kelly didn't consider letting Nick Foles,Nike Vapor Max Plus Triple Black, who is 6-foot-5,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes Women, sneak for the yard because he said that play didn't work in a game against Dallas last year.
On fourth down,Cheap Air Max Tn Shoes, Kelly opted for a 3-point lead instead of going for the first down and a touchdown. Foles, McCoy and others were a bit surprised.
NOTES: Kelly had no updates on RG Todd Herremans, who injured an elbow late in the game. He got it wrapped and played the final drive. The Eagles are missing two starters on their offensive line. ... Kelly said he's satisfied with S Nate Allen and isn't trying to replace him before the trade deadline on Tuesday.
"You never want to turn it over in the red zone,Nike Air Max 2018 Release," Foles said. "We need to correct the turnover situation but that comes through working through the week and getting to the game and playing smart; just ball security. I'm not going to let this defeat me. I'm going to learn from it and move forward. I know that each and every one of us are because that's the kind of people we are. We move forward through adversity."
The Philadelphia Eagles couldn't convert in short yardage near the goal line and the defense couldn't hold a 20-17 lead with under two minutes left in a 24-20 loss at Arizona on Sunday.
The Eagles (5-2) wouldn't have been in that position at the end if it weren't for three turnovers and 11 penalties. Foles threw two interceptions, bringing his season total to nine picks. He only threw two last year when he set an NFL record for TD/interception ratio.
Foles had a chance to win the game when he drove the Eagles to the Cardinals 16 in the finals seconds, but he threw three straight incomplete passes before the clock ran out. Jordan Matthews caught Foles' final pass, but was pushed out of the end zone.

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