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Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap 00 h Sunday to go to work









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發表於 2018-4-22 13:36:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An 18-year-old girl from Canals Polder has gone missing and her family has been thrown in added distress after a call for a $2 million ransom.However,Jordan Sneakers For Sale, the follow-up call to determine place and time for the delivery of the money never came from those who might be holding her.The missing girl is Amanda Rampersaud, of Geneive, Canal No.1 Polder,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers, West Bank Demerara. Her mother discovered her missing early Sunday morning.The mother,Nike Huarache Shoes For Sale, Saleemah Khan, said that the family suspects that a female relative who was staying with them for a month disappeared with the girl.Khan said that the relative had asked to stay with them as her fiancé was working in the interior and had said he was going to get her on April 26. When that time passed,Cheap Air Max Shoes For Sale, Khan said she asked the relative what was happening was told by the relative that her fiancé was picking her up Sunday.Khan said when she awoke at around 03: 00 h Sunday to go to work (she sells ground provisions which she buys from markets in Georgetown) she saw her daughter’s bedroom door opened and the girl missing.The family then reported the matter to the La Grange, Wales and Brickdam Police stations.Khan said that when the family called her daughter’s phone, a male answered and demanded $2 million for her safe return. Khan said the man refused to allow her to speak to her daughter.The woman said that the man said that he would have called again at 23:00 hours on Sunday to give details about how to hand over the money,Nike Free Run Shoes On Sale, but no call came through. When they tried calling the phone,Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale, it was turned off.The Police are investigating the matter, as the family pleads for the safe return of the young girl.

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