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Billy Price Jersey but there were some minor injuries.









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發表於 2018-4-22 16:25:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– passengers safe,Air Max 90 Black And White Mens, no major damage to aircraftA Trans Guyana Airways (TGA) Cessna Caravan yesterday morning skidded off the runway at the Mabaruma airstrip in Region One,Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale, after suffering a soft brake failure.Kaieteur News was told that the incident occurred shortly after 08:00hrs yesterday.A representative from the Correia Group of Company, Sharon Correia, told Kaieteur News that the pilot encountered a problem with the differential brake, and this caused the aircraft to run off into the clearway of the airstrip.The differential brake is said to act on the difference of two motions or tensions and tends to be self-tightening when the rotating part turns in the normal direction.All 14 passengers including a young child escaped unhurt, and there was no major damage to the aircraft.Correia disclosed that the plane returned to Georgetown shortly after.When asked about the regularity of inspections, the official stated that all inspections are done on a regular basis in keeping with the requisite safety regulations.Meanwhile,Nike Air Max Cheap Wholesale, one passenger yesterday told Kaieteur News that they didn’t realize something was “that wrong” until the pilot told them to come off the plane.Kaieteur News was told that the flight was a very normal one. “We landed normal…and there were two other planes on the runway,” the passenger stated.This publication understands that everyone thought that the plane was coming to a halt where it normally would, before they realised the aircraft was in the bushes.The pilot instructed the passengers to come off the aircraft and they all walked back to the terminal.Only last Saturday another Trans Guyana aircraft crash- landed at the Port Kaituma.The incident happened around noon and may have been caused by bad weather. No causalities were reported.The pilot of the aircraft at the time was Juanita Williams.A source close to the investigation said that the damage to that plane is extensive and the aircraft might be a total write-off.Some three weeks ago,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, a Caribbean Airlines Jet skidded off the runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, Timehri. At the time of the incident, there were a total of 163 passengers on board. There was no fatality,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, but there were some minor injuries.

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