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發表於 2018-4-22 17:14:11 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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One of Jagdeo friends come to de Waterfalls paper fuh talk stories. Dem boys gun only share three of de many he tell  dem fuh now.De first story had to do wid FAITH. He start off by saying once upon a time,Cheap Nike Air Max Plus, all de people in Unity Village decide to pray for rain. De place was hot and dem trench dry out so people couldn’t ketch fish.On the day of prayer all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella. That was de fat crook Brassington. Since he li’l he like go to church so he believe in prayer. That’s  FAITH,Air Max 98 Gundam Price, de man seh.But dem boys seh that Brassington gun need more than FAITH to keep him out of jail.De second story de man tell involve TRUST. He seh when yuh throw a baby in the air,Wholesale Nike Air Max 97, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That’s TRUST.Bharrat Jagdeo throw de whole nation up in de air and he laugh because he know that he wouldn’t ketch anybody.That is why de whole country deh pun dem back,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, dem head and dem belly. Many Guyanese don’t even know wheh dem deh.De third story de man tell deal wid HOPE. De man seh every night people go to bed,Cheap AIr Max 95 Trainers, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still dem does set the clock alarm to wake up. That’s HOPE.When Donald Dumb set de election he had nuff Hope. He even tek in HOPE Estate plus de HOPE canal.Dem boys seh that he HOPE in vain.All of dem in de Pee Pee Pee was hoping that dem never come out of power because de perks was coming and de dough was flourishing.Dem had life like kings and queens of de world. Dem boys still hoping and praying that de life gun be de opposite very soon when Soulja Bai done all dem audits.De man went on to say now that you’ve been blessed with that info,Air Max 97 White, don’t be stingy. Share dem. And that is what dem boys seh is CARING.Talk half and dem boys know Soulja Bai and Moses will take care of dem.

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