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[PS3] Cheap Jerseys 3tctm4bu









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發表於 2017-1-3 22:04:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As I made my way through the onlookers,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, I saw something that bothered me, shook me up even more than the news of the murders.
There were at least a dozen men and women dressed inGoth attire: black frock coats, top hats, leather pants, long boots. One of them smiled right at me. He showed off a set of sharpened, very nasty-looking fangs. He had on blood-red contacts that glowed.
He seemed to know who I was. ‘Dude,’ he smirked. ‘Welcome to hell.’
There was nothing I could do about the ghouls,Cheap NFL Jerseys China. I kept on walking toward the Bellagio. These strange role-players seemed to have no qualms about being at the crime scene,Cheap Jerseys Paypal. Were the killers here? Were they watching? What did they expect to see next,Wholesale Jerseys USA? What did the murders mean?
I hoped that the Vegas police or the FBI was filming the crowd gathering outside the hotel. I figured that Kyle would have taken care of Montblanc Marlene Dietrich that. I was here for one reason: I can put together details at a murder scene that other cops usually can’t. It was why Kyle Craig had asked for me. He understood my strengths, and probably also my weaknesses.
The suite where the couple had been murdered was large and relatively tasteful by resort standards. The first thing anyone entering the room would notice was a marble bathtub in a tinted glass window overlooking a man-made lake and several fountains. Two bodies were in the tub. I could see the tops of their heads and a couple of bare feet. As I got closer, I saw that the man and woman had been bitten, and also cut several times. The  nude corpses were eerily white.
There hadn’t been anywhere to hang them inside the suite. There wasn’t much blood in the tub itself, but it had been stoppered. The room was buzzing with police activity. Too much to suit me. There were LVPD detectives, paramedics, crime-scene scientists, a pathologist, the Coroner’s investigative team, and the FBI,NFL Jerseys Supply, of course.
I needed quiet.
I studied the pale,Cheap NFL Jerseys Outlet, pathetic bodies for several minutes. As was the case with all of the victims so far, the man and woman had been attractive.
Perfect specimens. Chosen for that reason? If not, then why?
The girl looked to be in her early twenties. She was petite, blonde, slender, probably under a hundred pounds. The span of her shoulders was only  about a ruler’s length. Her breasts were small, and had been bitten, almost shredded. There were bite gouges up and down her legs. The male also appeared to be in his early twenties. He was blond, blue-eyed, with a corn-fed look; his body was toned and sculpted. He too had been bitten. His throat had been slashed and so had his wrists.
I could see no defensive bruises on either of their hands.

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