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Nike Men Air Max 97 For Sale the magistrate granted Gentle $150









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發表於 2018-4-22 20:11:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-five year-old High Court Legal Clerk, Dwayne Gentle,Calvin Ridley Jersey, of 239 Forshaw Street, Queenstown, was yesterday placed on $150,000 bail, after making a court appearance before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.It is alleged that between May 1,Buy Air Max 1, 2008 and June 6, 2008 with the intent to defraud, he forged one divorce absolute in favour of Paul and Julianna Marshall, which purported to show that it was judicial document issued by the High Court.He pleaded not guilty to the charge. Gentle was represented by attorney at law Patrice Henry.The lawyer in a bail application said that his client has been cooperating with the police since the investigation commenced. Henry further told the court that his client had an unblemished record prior to this allegation.The lawyer asked the magistrate to set bail at a reasonable sum within the means of his client.Police Prosecutor Stephen objected to bail, and said that more charges are expected to be instituted against Gentle. Telford told the court that Gentle works in the High Court registry and is responsible for certifying documents.The court was told that that Gentle allegedly accepted $60,Nike Air Max 97 Order Online,000 from Paul Marshall to obtain the forged document.Telford further stated that Marshall resides in Trinidad and wanted to divorce his wife who lives in Guyana.He said that officials from the Canadian Embassy in Trinidad discovered that the document was a forgery.Telford said that the court cannot allow persons who work in the court system to carry out fraudulent transactions.Gentle’s lawyer interjected and said that the prosecutor’s statements were speculation. He explained that several persons were questioned in connection with the matter.He further disclosed to the court that a divorce petition has been filed in the High Court, adding that his client had nothing to with the forged document.“My worship there is no evidence to suggest that the document originated from my client….it was only because his name appeared on the document that he was made a suspect…” said the lawyer.Henry further argued that Gentle would not forge the document and then place his name on the same forged document.After hearing the prosecution and defence’s submission,Wholesale Air Max Tn, the magistrate granted Gentle $150,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes Women,000 bail.As part of his bail agreement he is to report to the Criminal Investigation Department,Cheap Womens Jordan Sneakers, Eve Leary on Mondays and Fridays, until his next court date.He is expected to make his next court appearance on July 30.

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