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[IQ題] College Jerseys Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon









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發表於 2018-4-22 21:45:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Regional Chairman As Lindeners settle down to some form of normalcy,Nike Air Max Zero White, Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon has committed that they will have the benefit of a significant amount of social workers within the community to deal with persons,2018 Nike Air Max 98, especially children, who were traumatized by the past month’s events.According to Solomon, who made the disclosure on Saturday at a rally in Linden, “Social Workers would invade the community.” Solomon further stated that this move is one of the new initiates the Regional Administration is taking to help rebuild the community.“We want to do this to build Linden…we need to ensure our children have a better community,” Solomon told Lindeners.He also noted that the Minister of Education Priya Manickchand has informed him that placement of students of the burnt out One Mile Primary School, in other learning institutions in Linden has already been done.Regional Chairman Sharma SolomonSolomon urged Lindeners to stay vigilant and resolute,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, adding that their struggle is “rooted in favour.” The Regional Chairman also added that a memorial site will be built a short distance from where Shemroy Bouyea, Ron Somerset and Allan Lewis were killed on July 18,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, last.The three men were killed when police opened fire on demonstrators on the first day of protest over the arbitrary increase in electricity tariffs by the government.Meanwhile, the Joint Services Coordinating Council advised yesterday in a press release that all access to the interior through the Linden community have now been re-established.According to the release, it must be noted that, in the very short term, Joint Services personnel will continue to man the main thoroughfare through the Linden Township. Joint Services said that personnel will continue to engage their tasks in the most professional manner in keeping with the Laws of Guyana.Scores of Lindeners turned out on Saturday to commemorate one month since the police slaying of Shemroy Bouyea, Ron Somerset and Allan Lewis.The event passed with a peaceful march throughout the streets to the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge where a public rally was held.The rally commenced with prayers and worship,Cheap Nike Air Max Plus, led by Pastor Selwyn Sills,Calvin Ridley Jersey, and later, residents were addressed by several speakers including Leader of the Opposition David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Regional Chairman Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon, among others. Dr. David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis were some of the other key figures present.

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