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Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Essential









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發表於 2018-4-22 22:07:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Titans are letting him leave so he can do just that, according to a person familiar with the team's decision.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Veteran safety Bernard Pollard wanted out of Tennessee in his chase for another Super Bowl ring.
Pollard came to Tennessee in 2013 after winning a Super Bowl with the Baltimore Ravens,NCAA Football Jerseys. He signed a two-year deal with the Titans after making a career-high 142 tackles for Tennessee in 2013 for the second-most tackles by a safety for the franchise since 1990,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes.
"Just another grind day... 4 1/2 months out of surgery and ready to hit somebody! Where will I be... Need another Ring," Pollard wrote.
The Tennessean first reported the move.
The Titans have informed Pollard he will be released,Womens Nike Free Run, according to a person who spoke on condition of anonymity Monday night because the team has not announced the move yet. The nine-year veteran asked for the move after the season ended, and releasing the safety will free up the $3.1 million salary he was due in 2015.
But Pollard, who turned 30 in December, suffered a season-ending Achilles injury Oct. 5 that limited him to five games last season.
"Nashville it's been so much fun,Air Max 97 Uk," Pollard wrote on Twitter. "Thank you to all the fans and people I've been blessed meet. Great city,Cheap Womens Jordan Sneakers, fans and food! #31 is out ..."
With Pollard out most of the season, the Titans ranked 27th in total defense and tied for 29th in allowing 27.3 points per game. Titans coach Ken Whisenhunt already has convinced Dick LeBeau to take over his defense and work with coordinator Ray Horton. Now they will need more help at safety when free agency opens March 10.
The safety, who also has played for Houston and Kansas City,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale, already is doing his best to show he's fully recovered. He tweeted out a short video of himself working out in a gym three days ago.

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