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發表於 2018-4-23 00:51:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"Last year we had so many different lineups. I think it will be nice to have a set unit and go out there week in week out," Mewhort said. "I'm working hard every day to be on the field because there are some special things going on around here and I want to be a part of that."
Harrison played in 15 games last season, starting at center in 10. Holmes played in five games at both center and guard, starting two at center.
With the addition of veterans Andre Johnson and Frank Gore, the Colts should maintain their lofty stats if the offensive line can keep Luck healthy and give Gore room. And a key to consistently doing so is keeping the same group together all season.
"With having a back like Frank, now, it definitely puts the onus on (the offensive line) because he's proven if the holes are there he's going to (have success) and we recognize what we've got at quarterback. If we give (Luck) time he can make some special things happen."
"I don't even worry about (right tackle). I sleep well at night knowing that (Mewhort) is in there," Pagano said. "He's been great. He's consistent. He doesn't make mental errors.  He's the right guy — run game, pass game — he's going to be a good player for us."
Last season,Air Max 97 Undefeated Black, Indianapolis had the third-best offense in the NFL, with 4,894 yards passing and 1,Air Max 2018 Shoes,612 yards rushing.
Notes: T.Y. Hilton returned to practice Saturday after missing Friday's practice for personal reasons. Hilton's absence on Friday was excused by the Colts.
"It's up there at the top of the list. I'm as eager as everybody else to find those five guys, and the sooner the better."
ANDERSON, Ind. (AP) — The Colts' offense has a franchise quarterback, two talented tight ends, several skilled wide receivers, a 1,000-yard rusher and one major inconsistency.
Pagano said that success is a credit to the coaches and players,Cheap Nike Epic React Flyknit.
Last season, the Colts used 10 different starters on the offensive line, and in the previous 32 regular-season games Indianapolis used 18 different combinations on its offensive line.
Despite its offensive line struggles, Indianapolis has managed to win 11 regular-season games the previous three seasons.
Some of the other options for Indianapolis include Joe Reitz, who started at guard in four of the 10 games he competed in 2014. The Colts have rotated Khaled Holmes and Jonotthan Harrison at the center position during the first week of training camp.
Mewhort's move to right tackle is the first step in a consistent lineup on the offensive line heading into the season.
Indianapolis has shuffled lineman from guard to tackle. Last season,Nike Vapormax Plus Womens, Jack Mewhort started 13 of 14 games at right guard. In Week 17 against Tennessee, Mewhort moved to right tackle, and that is where he'll start this season.
For the fourth straight season, Indianapolis is trying to establish an offensive line that can stay intact through the season.
Mewhort replaces the Colts former right tackle, Gosder Cherilus, who was released by the team two weeks ago. The decision to release Cherilus, and start Mewhort where he finished the 2014 season,Off White Vapormax For Sale, is reflective of a coaching staff that has been active in addressing offensive line concerns.
But with 'Super Bowl or bust' expectations heading into 2015, the Colts are trying to figure out the solution to their problem on the line in order to keep their offensive output near the top of the league.

"When you give me those numbers, that's pretty staggering,Nike Air Max Tn Ultra Plus," Colts head coach Chuck Pagano said Saturday.
"It's ideal if you can have one group that's going to be together the whole season," veteran left tackle Anthony Castanzo said.

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