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Magistrate Priya Beharry remanded a 17-year-old girl for robbery under arms on Thursday.The teen who lives in Queen Street, Kitty is accused of committing a robbery on Tuesday, 5th August, 2008. She and others allegedly robbed Kenrick Prescod of one gold chain valued at $150,000; one cell phone valued at $36,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens,000, and one gold ring valued at $73,000.  They are also accused of relieving him of $38,000 in cash.Prosecutor Denise Griffith said that Prescod saw the defendant at the bus park, when she approached him and a conversation was started. All this while a male was in her company, the prosecutor said.The teen reportedly then asked Prescod to follow her to the bank. While at the bank, she reportedly asked to borrow Prescod’s mobile phone to make a call. Prescod later reported that he does not know whom she called.It was while there were walking back to the park that two men approached them and proceeded to rob Prescod. The prosecutor said the defendant also helped rob Prescod.  In her defense, the defendant said that she was also robbed and that she shared a relationship with Prescod.She was, nevertheless, remanded to prison, and is to return to court on August 25, 2008.And, in the same court, two known characters were remanded to prison for a robbery that they allegedly committed on August 6 last. Adrian Bishop and Devon Forde, called Bruno, allegedly robbed Martin Henry of one motor scooter valued at $160,000, as well as $5,600 in cash, and four keys valued at $5,000.Prosecutor Sherwin Matthews said that, on the day of the robbery, the two drove up alongside Henry in a heavily tinted car as he was about to drive off.The two reportedly ordered him off the bike, and proceeded to rob him.On August 8 last, at about 23:40hrs, they were both arrested by the police with the said scooter in their possession.Henry is said to have positively identified Bishop and Forde. They have been remanded until August 25.Also, Derrick Norton, of 146 Cooper Street Albouystown, was remanded to prison for allegedly committing a robbery along with others on July 19, 2008.He is accused of robbing Yamick Balgobin of $23,000; Yuvette Balgobin of $1M; Amrita Narine of two gold rings, $100,000 and cell phone valued at $89,000; Jules Spencer of two cell phones valued at $47,000; Orin Fordyce of $131,000; and Sevoiko Hamie of $2,000. They were all in a DVD club when the act was committed.The police prosecutor said that the defendant is a known character, and that on July 19, with others, while armed with a handgun, robbed the people.On Monday, August 11, the victims pointed out Norton to the police. He was told of the offence and was subsequently charged. He was remanded to prison until August 25.

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