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發表於 2018-4-23 03:58:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Rayman Khan Wong, 57, who has served the National Park Commission for some 34 years has died.Dead 57 year-old Rayman Khan.On Friday the man fell off of the trailer of a moving tractor on Vlissengen Road. He succumbed to his injuries at around 01:30 hours yesterday while being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Wong’s wife, Zerida Wong,Nike Tns Cheap Online, told this publication that around 01:00 hours yesterday, she received a call from the hospital saying that she should come down to the institution. Mrs. Wong said by the time herself and other relatives arrived at the hospital, her husband was dead.The woman who wept bitterly as she recalled her husband’s last hours said that she feels that the national Parks Commission administration, where her husband worked did not handle the matter well. Mrs. Wong said the incident occurred at around 15:30 hours and the family was only informed by her husband’s manager around 17: 30 hours.“All the woman called and say that my husband was in an accident, it was nothing big and that he would be overnighting at the hospital”.The woman said she cannot understand why her husband’s employers did not make proper efforts to take her husband sooner to the hospital. She added that the National Parks Commission has several vehicles yet not one was made available to rush Wong to the hospital.“The accident occurred around 15:30 hours and my husband only reached at the hospital at 16:16 hours.”This publication was told that the man was left lying on the road for a while before a public spirited citizen offered to take him to the hospital.The man’s relatives are also upset that even after he was taken to the hospital none of the man’s employers or his co-workers was there.Mrs. Wong added that she was not pleased with the treatment meted out to her husband by the Management prior to his death and feels that nothing will come out of the incident. The woman said her husband worked at the Zoological Park and was transferred after the Administration blamed him and another employee for the death of the lion.She added that the National Parks Commission has indicated a willingness to assist with anything for the man’s funeral. However the family has refused to accept any assistance saying what they would like for the Commission to do is to put better safety measures in place for other employees.Meanwhile, this publication was told that the driver of the trailer has been taken into police custody to assist with investigations.Initial reports are that the tractor-trailer was driving along Vlissengen Road when it tried to avoid a pothole and caused Wong who was sitting in the trailer to fall out.

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