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Air Max 97 For Sale Australia r01xrqrj









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發表於 2018-4-23 03:59:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An Essequibo family who recently lost a young member of their family as a result of a maternal death wants the Health Ministry to engage their matter.Jean Bharrat said that 32-year-old Taunugha Harnandan, a/k Talifa, was admitted at the Suddie Public Hospital on December 6, last.Mrs.Bharrat explained that her daughter who was expecting her first child, eventually gave birth on December 9 at the Suddie Public Hospital.According to Mrs. Bharrat, all was not well with her daughter and seven days later she was readmitted to the hospital. She said that before and after her daughter was hospitalised, she continued to experience back and abdominal pains.Ms.Harnandan gave birth to a baby boy by caesarean section. Mrs. Bharrat said her daughter told her that the female doctor said  she will perform a “neat cut and it will not pain.”0n December 12, Mrs Bharrat recalled that her daughter was discharged from the Suddie Public Hospital, but she continued to experience excruciating back and abdominal pains. Medication did not seem to help.Bharrat said that on December 16,Cheap Air Max 90, she took her daughter back to the hospital. After another examination by the doctor, the young medical practitioner said that “Me daughter deh bad.” She suggested that she be transferred to Georgetown.Bharrat said all the while her daughter’s condition was gradually deteriorating and on December 25, around 10:30 hours, her daughter died at the GPHC. The child’s father has since taken  the baby and has relocated to Leguan, in the Essequibo River.Reports are that the Ministry of Health is said to be investigating the matter and has already been issued with the preliminary report.The Bharrat family in Essequibo said that for too long maternal cases are not properly handled and the irate family wants justice. “We need the government to look into our current situation. Our loss is taking a tremendous toll on the family.”

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