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發表於 2018-4-23 08:01:56 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The fear that it would cost too much has been one of the most common factors preventing individuals from taking better care of their teeth. At least this is the belief of Community Dental Therapist, Ms Holly Adridge.Her enlightening comment was forthcoming on Thursday when the dental team at the Grove Health Centre engaged activities to observe Oral Health month under the theme ‘Partnership:  the best strategy for oral health’. Oral health month is observed in Guyana on an annual basis in the month of November.And due to individuals’ failure to visit the dentist an advocated twice a year, Adridge said that periodontal problems and dental caries are the recognised outcome,Air Max 97 Undefeated White, particularly among youths between the ages of 10 and 15. “I think the problem is caused in children because they are using a lot of sweet and then they are not brushing properly and at the right time. My advice is for them to brush after every meal and in the proper way,Air Max 97 For Sale Australia,” Adridge noted.And then there are the adults that also have similar problems. Of great concern,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet, Adridge said is the fact that many pregnant women also suffer avoidable dental problems and opt to cast the blame entirely on their pregnancy.For this reason, yesterday’s activity was centred mainly on educating antenatal mothers about the importance of caring their mouth as well as that of their babies.According to Dentex, Fay Duncan,Cheap Air Max 90 Shoes, through informative talks,Off White Vapormax For Sale, the dental team is geared to prepare the mothers who visited the health centre to have the upper hand in preventing dental diseases. “Mouth is our business here and patients need to understand that not just their bodies they have to take care of but their mouths as well.” As such, those attending the antenatal clinic on Thursday were told of the proper way to brush their teeth,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap, how to use toothpaste and were informed of the most appropriate diet they should use to help keep their teeth in a healthy state.Before 09:00 hours Thursday more than 20 mothers along with their children had their mouths examined and cleaned. However, the dental team had envisaged a target of 121 by the end of the day. Each mother was presented with Colgate toothpaste and toothbrushes which were provided compliments of Colgate/Palmolive.The dental team also has plans to take its service to the Kuru Kuru Co-operative College,Nike Air Max 2018 Mens Shoes, the LBI Primary School and to the Guyana Defence Force Timehri base before the end of the week.

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