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發表於 2018-4-23 17:33:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Zena HenryMinister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee has indicated his intention to meet with members of the private sector and the diplomatic community to discuss in detail, plans outlined in his security initiative. Rohee said late last week that he thought it would be useful to narrow the various audiences which would be affected by the new security implementations.Home Affair Minister Clement RoheeHe said he wants to discuss in a more focused way the measures put in place and its effects on the various stakeholders. For the private sector, Rohee said he hopes to meet with them sometime later in the year to discuss their concerns.With the private sector already indicating their support for the security plan,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, Rohee said it would seem that a lot of their concerns are common. He insisted that they would have an interest in the changes to come since the initiative was highlighted in a context of a wide audience. “The idea,” he reiterated,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit Women, “is to meet with the various stakeholders to discuss with them,Undefeated Air Max 97 Australia, in a more particularized manner”.The Security Minister, on December 31,Air Max 95 Black Leather, outlined an elaborate security plan that would see among other things, significant changes within the Guyana Police Force and other entities under the purview of his Ministry.He detailed his five-year plan that would see a name change for the Police Force, the Guyana Prison Service as well as the Guyana Fire Service; the employment of specialist civilian professionals within the Police Force and the possibility of international police officers as consultants.He also promised to take the fight to criminals, including those involved in narco-trafficking.Opposition Leader David Granger had however said in a report last week that neither the private sector nor the opposition members had seen the security plan which the minister had drafted. Granger charged that while he supported reform and improvement, the opposition is not willing to conform to plans that they had not seen.The APNU head was at that time speaking on the cost that private persons pay by having to hire their own security. He said that there is a great concern over the country’s security situation, since the private sector contributes immensely to the growth of the nation.Granger insisted that, “They (private persons) have to spend too much on their own security and that is cutting into profits and the earnings of the country.” He continued that,Off White Vapormax For Sale, “We feel that there is a heavy burden that is borne by business persons which ought not to be,Air Max 90 Black And White Leather, since their security is the business of the state.”

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