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發表於 2018-4-23 23:30:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He reiterated that Wednesday, adding that he hasn't seen or heard from Goodson in two or three months.
Idzik wouldn't reveal whether he had been in touch with Goodson to inform him of the team's decision.
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — Mike Goodson's strange stint with the New York Jets is over.

Goodson's spot on the roster was tenuous entering minicamp. He was sixth on the depth chart at the running back spot, behind Chris Ivory, Chris Johnson, Bilal Powell, Daryl Richardson and Alex Green. It was also uncertain as to how close Goodson was to returning to the field as he rehabilitated his injury, but the Jets expected him to at least be present since minicamp is mandatory for all players.
"It's unfortunate it never worked out," coach Rex Ryan said. "We wish him the best moving forward."
"This league is all based on showing up on time," owner Woody Johnson said before the team announced the move. "One minute later,NCAA Football Jerseys, you're late. You have to respect that. ... He's a talented player, but you're no good to the team if you're not here."
Goodson, 27, was a fourth-round pick of Carolina in 2009 out of Texas A&M. He played three seasons as a versatile pass-catching back and kick returner with the Panthers before spending the 2012 season with the Oakland Raiders.
"I would say, just in general, it's an accumulation of things," Idzik said. "These aren't knee-jerk decisions that you make."
Goodson, who signed with the Jets in March 2013,Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, played in just two games for New York before tearing two knee ligaments last October. He faces weapons charges and up to 10 years in prison after being indicted in November. He was found in a car along with an acquaintance with a handgun and a hollow-point bullet in May 2013. He was also suspended the first four games of last season for violating the NFL's substance abuse policy.
"There's no question it concerns me," Ryan said. "I've tried to reach out to him and haven't been able to make contact with him."
"Suffice to say, we gave Mike, I think, ample opportunity," Idzik said.
"Obviously,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, it's disappointing," Idzik said. "Like we do with all of our players, we gave Mike,Buy Air Max 95, we feel in good conscience, every opportunity here with the Jets. Unfortunately,Cheap Air Max 2018, it didn't work out and we made the move, ultimately, that we felt was best for the team."
Goodson was Idzik's first major free agent signing, giving him a three-year deal for $6.9 million. Idzik would not say whether the Jets would try to recoup some of the signing bonus they gave to Goodson.
The troubled running back was released Wednesday after he failed to show up for the team's mandatory minicamp. General manager John Idzik announced that Goodson,2018 Nike Air Max 90 Essential, coming off major knee surgery and dealing with legal issues, was let go with a designation of "left squad."
Goodson was the only player not in attendance for the Jets. As recently as April 30, Idzik said the Jets were assuming Goodson would be on the team's roster this offseason.
On Tuesday, the start of the team's three-day minicamp, Ryan said he didn't know the reason for Goodson's absence and acknowledged that he hadn't spoken to him and wasn't aware of anyone else in the organization having been in contact with the running back.

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