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發表於 2018-4-24 07:19:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. (AP) — Marcus Thigpen showed why he might not make the Miami Dolphins.
Given the way he's played in the preseason, Davis might be ready. He completed 12 of 19 passes, albeit largely against second- and third-stringers,Buy Air Max 1, and finished the preseason 39 of 63 for 534 yards with four touchdowns and one interception.
After muffing a chance badly in the first half, Thigpen had a 32-yard punt return midway through the fourth quarter to set up Miami's go-ahead score,Nike Vapormax Plus Sunset, and the Dolphins beat the St. Louis Rams 14-13 on Thursday night in the preseason finale for both teams.
But in the fourth, after catching another punt deep in Miami territory, Thigpen darted to his left, then up the middle, made a couple of Rams miss and wound up breaking a runback to nearly midfield, drawing plenty of helmet-slaps from teammates.
Thigpen is one of those whose immediate future is a great unknown.
Austin Davis threw for 162 yards, including an 11-yard touchdown pass to Austin Pettis, and Greg Zuerlein made a pair of long field goals for the Rams.
"Jobs are open," Dolphins coach Joe Philbin said. "That's why we're here."
Davis came into St. Louis' training camp as an afterthought,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Womens, buried at the bottom of the quarterback depth chart. He's now the backup behind Shaun Hill, who became the starter when Sam Bradford was lost for the season with a torn ligament in his left knee.
Lobato completed 12 of 25 passes for 147 yards for Miami. Matt Moore, who started Thursday and will open the season as Ryan Tannehill's backup,Adidas Shoes On Sale Cheap, completed five of eight passes for 38 yards in relatively limited action.
Matt Hazel caught a 22-yard touchdown pass from Seth Lobato with 6:15 left for the Dolphins, who rallied with two TDs in the final quarter. Daniel Thomas, making his preseason debut and playing with the belief his spot on the roster wasn't secure, had a 5-yard touchdown run for Miami.
And then he showed why he might.
A week ago, the Rams lost their starting quarterback. If nothing else, now they may have some confidence in the new backup.
Late in the first half, Thigpen muffed a punt at the Miami 28, kicked the ball while trying to pick it up, and wound up falling on it at the 12 — a loss of 16 yards.
Both teams held out plenty of regulars, standard for teams in the final preseason game. Rosters will be cut to 53 by Saturday afternoon,Cheap Air Max 90 For Sale, meaning about 700 players in uniform around the league on Thursday night will be either headed to practice squads or looking for new teams shortly.
Michael Sam was in on six tackles for the Rams,Nike Tns Sale, and Ethan Westbrooks had a sack for St. Louis. They're among the candidates for one of the final spots on St. Louis' defensive line, a particularly deep position for the Rams.

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