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– Scholar Mufti Ashraul Hack to grace eventThe 13th Annual Cultural Programme to mark the commencement of the Islamic New Year 1431/2010 will be held on Sunday January 10, from 14:00hrs,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex.Public Relations Officer,NFL Jerseys Supply, Raymond Azeez, said the programme is a premier activity on the calendar of events for Muslims in Guyana, and is hosted by The Muslim Youth League of Guyana,Jerseys From China, The Guyana United Sadr Islamic Anjuman and the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex.Mufti Ashraul Hack, a Trinidad-based renowned Muslim scholar will be the guest speaker. He was born in India and educated at the famous Al Ahzar University in Egypt and is currently attached to the Anjuman Sunnatul Jamaat Association (ASJA) of Trinidad & Tobago as the Principal of the Hajji Ruknudeen Institute of Higher Islamic Education. He will be accompanied by Saeed Mohamed, a student of the Institute.Mufti Hack’s visit is an initiative of the President General of ASJA, Al Haj Yacoob Ally and as a result of the cooperation between the Muslims of the two Caricom countries, Guyana and Trinidad & Tobago,China NFL Jerseys, through the respective organizations.Religious and civic leaders as well as members of mosques throughout Guyana have all been invited to attend.The lunar Islamic Calendar began its calculation after the migration of Prophet Muhammad to Medina. The first month of the calendar is Muharram, in which the 10th day (called Ashura) is significant not only to Muslims, but humanity. It is reported that the entire universe was created on this day, the first drop of rain fell on this day, the first human,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, Prophet Adam was created on this day, Prophet Jesus ascended to the heavens on this day,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Prophet Ayube (Jacob) regained his eyesight on this day, Prophet Moses saved the Children of Israel from Pharaoh’s army by the opening of the Red Sea on this day and the Prophet Muhammad’s grandsons, Imam Hussain and Hassan were martyred.The 10th day of Muharram (Ashura) therefore is very auspicious to Muslims and is observed with fasting,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, prayers and special programs at the various mosques.The Islamic New Year commenced on December 18 last.

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