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發表於 2017-1-4 14:00:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) is urging retailers of fabrics and similar materials to desist from using unverified rules, sticks and table tops –  all of which can provide inaccurate measurements – to measure items being sold to consumers,.During the second quarter of the year, surveillance visits were carried out by GNBS Inspectors at shops, markets and other sale outlets where weighing and measuring devices, including rules and tapes,Christian Laettner USA Jersey, are being usedAccording to the Bureau,Klay Thompson USA Jersey, fabrics and similar materials must be measured using verified metre rules which are accurate and reliable and are available for sale at a number of hardware stores countrywide.Public Relations Officer of GNBS,Kyrie Irving USA Jersey, Lloyd David, noted that the agency continues to encounter a number of malpractices at stores and other sale outlets in this regard.“This has created a great deal of concern for the GNBS which is the organisation responsible for ensuring that all weighing and measuring devices used in trade are verified, accurate, and are used in the recommended manner,” David underscored. “These visits revealed that pieces of sticks which had no graduation or markings were being used to measure fabrics,Stephon Marbury USA Jersey, vinolay, carpets and similar materials.”He explained that retailers were measuring materials using the markings made on the edges of table tops, which is a malpractice that consumers seem to accept. Further,Isaiah Thomas Celtics Swingman Jersey, at some stores,Jeremy Lin Nets Jersey, measuring rules and tapes in use were unverified and sale personnel were unable to sell fabric in metric quantities.Concurrently, consumers are encouraged to request materials in metre and centimetre lengths,Tobias Harris Pistons Swingman Jersey, which would force those retailers who are determined to engage in misconduct to comply.Meanwhile,Karl Malone USA Jersey, inspectors of the GNBS will continue to conduct follow-up surveillance activities at retail outlets countrywide to seize and remove all unverified sticks used in measurement,Enes Kanter Thunder Jersey, and where necessary, sales personnel would be educated on the use of verified metric rules and tapes during sale.

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