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[PS3] Cheap Jerseys Clement Rohee









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發表於 2017-1-4 14:14:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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General Secretary of the Alliance For Change (AFC), David Patterson,Cheap Jerseys, announced yesterday that the party is expected to host its national conference before the year ends.AFC General Secretary, David PattersonPatterson reminded members of the media that the party received a mandate at its last national conference to enter into coalition talks. The Minister of Public Infrastructure said that the AFC believed,NFL Jerseys China, then, that a coalition was the only formula for removing the People’s Progressive Party (PPP). The politician said that the party is now justified in holding fast to that position.Patterson also said that the AFC has demonstrated that it is a small but robust political party, capable of public administration. The General Secretary said that the party is of the view that it has performed creditably in that role thus far.At this year’s national conference,Jerseys From China, Patterson said that the Party is expected to elect office bearers for the new term which will last for two years,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, examine its role and progress in government, review the relations with its coalition partners,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, evaluate the fulfillment of the manifesto and advance the process of actually documenting the structure and architecture of government under a new constitution from the AFC’s point of view.PPP ANTICSWhile discussions on the progress and challenges of its relationship with its coalition partners are set for later this year,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the AFC General Secretary did not hold back on addressing the soured relations between the Government and the political opposition.He said that the party has noted the recent incoherent outbursts of the PPP which he believes is an apt reflection of the phrase, “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”Patterson said, “I am convinced that madness reigns within the PPP and this madness will further contribute to the party’s undoing.”Contrary to what is being peddled by the PPP, the Public Infrastructure Minister said that the AFC is unaware of any collaboration between the Department of Citizenship and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to rig future elections.Patterson articulated that his party has strong views on this issue and it is staunchly opposed to any form of elections rigging. He said that the Party will stoutly oppose any effort to do so.The AFC General Secretary also made a call for the PPP to present the evidence to the nation as well as to the international community to support its claims.If the opposition fails to do so, then it would be wise that the PPP,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, in particular it’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee,Wholesale China Jerseys, remain silent.The AFC General Secretary said, “Rohee is making himself once again an international mocking stock. The PPP has always been ungrateful winners and ‘cry-babies’ whenever it receives a sound trashing. It should be recalled that former President Donald Ramotar and the PPP accused us while we were in Opposition of rigging the 2011 General and Regional elections. But it is yet to produce one iota of evidence.”Patterson said that his Party welcomes the call for the election petition to be heard, since it believes that it will prove once and for all that the PPP received a “first class licking”.The Minister expressed, “This familiar resort to accusations of rigging exposes the nasty self-delusion of the PPP; an organisation that somehow believes it owns Guyana and that they have transport over the people, that freedom to elect our representatives doesn’t exist outside of the PPP. This is dangerous.”Patterson concluded that only a “nasty mind” would resort to the fabrication of events to spread public fear in an effort to satisfy his own cravings for amusement.

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