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Jerseys NFL Wholesale









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發表於 2018-5-18 13:47:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Fisher was pleased with the Rams' effort Sunday prior to the fourth-period collapse.
"We're going to hang in there,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping," Fisher said. "He's working real hard. We'll see where it goes."
Davis threw an interception that was returned 30 yards for a score by cornerback Patrick Peterson with 5:13 remaining. That pushed the Cardinals' lead to 24-14.
Just 75 seconds later, Davis fumbled as he was hit by defensive end Kareem Martin. Antonio Cromartie returned the bobble 14 yards for a score.

Davis, who began the season as the No. 4 quarterback,Wholesale Jerseys China, came on in relief of an injured Shaun Hill in a 34-6 season-opening loss to Minnesota.   A Southern Mississippi product, Davis started the last eight games and has posted a 3-5 record.
"He didn't have his best half,Stitched Jerseys," Fisher said of Davis. "He missed some opportunities and had a couple bad decisions. Sometimes you're going to have a hard Sunday."
"I thought we did a lot of good things defensively" Fisher said. "It was a winning effort."
The Rams (3-6) held a 14-10 lead and the ball with just under 10 minutes left before Arizona rallied for three scores in a span of 3:42.
The turnovers turned the tide.
Davis spent most of 2012 and 2013 on the practice squad. He has completed 180 of 284 passes for 2,cheap nfl jerseys online,001 yards with 12 touchdowns and nine interceptions this season.
Although he played well at times, Davis has struggled mightily in the second half of late. He's thrown four interceptions returned for touchdowns, all in fourth quarters.
"He's disappointed, but he'll bounce back," Fisher said,
ST. LOUIS (AP) — St,NFL Jerseys Outlet. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher indicated Monday he has no plans to replace quarterback Austin Davis despite a fourth-quarter meltdown by the offense in Sunday's 31-14 loss at Arizona,NFL Jerseys Outlet.
Hill is now healthy. But Fisher is going to stick with Davis for the time being.

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