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發表於 2018-5-19 04:44:12 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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– NJ Arya Samaj MandirAs Hindus around the world observe Phagwah, it is a time for us,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, as Hindus,jerseys nfl wholesale, to reflect on our great legacy, and teachings from where we have come and the tremendous progress we have made, as Hindus. It’s important for us to put our self image and focus on the true purpose of serving God and Humanity.As a Hindu community, we must pause on this occasion to reflect on the contributions of our great leaders to the realisation of our progress.Let’s not destroy the goodwill and progress because of power syndrome and petty differences that are creating tortures and the breaking up of our community.  Indeed, it is a day for Hindus to embrace each other in a true sense of pure love and oneness, put aside differences and celebrate in unity and in glory. It is a day for renewed resolve, where Hindus should pledge their service to humanity,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, our culture,Wholesale Jerseys, our tradition, our morals and values, and re-dedicate our energies toward the welfare and prosperity of dharma.As we renew this pledge,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, let us recall the struggles and sacrifice made by our fore parents who fought gallantly for equality, peace, and justice. Such introspection must produce within us a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for their singleness of purpose in the pursuit of such objectives as the bringing of respectability to each other and to our dharma.On reflecting on our accomplishments over the years, we should be reminded that Guyana is a country of many races, and we are all living together in the same world; realising our nation’s motto of One People, One Nation, and One Destiny.There is no doubt that we have matured as Hindus over the years, and our leaders at the religious realm need to have a better working relationship with the people and continue to express maturity by communicating with each other on all matters. However, there is room for improvement and as we observe another Phagwah Celebration, the New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc. Humanitarian Mission calls on Hindu leaders to express greater appreciation of the cultural diversity that exists within our community.We have indeed inherited a rich legacy – a legacy, which we must preserve with a passion and pass on to future generations. As we do so, let us all strive toward harmonious relations with our brothers and sisters of all cultural diversities, build upon what is present,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and create a future with a dynamic vision for our beloved Dharma and our people.The New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc. Humanitarian Mission congratulates the entire Hindu family on this auspicious celebration and reiterates that as we celebrate,China NFL Jerseys, and work together with oneness and united as Hindus, we can all be proud. As we celebrate, let us bring our people closer together in unity, regardless of race, colour, religion and other persuasions. Let us remember that, in unity there is strength–a value needed to arrest the degeneration of the spiritual and moral fabric of our community. As we celebrate, let us pray for peace among our leaders and be an ambassador of that peace, for in this, there is order and prosperity.At this time of celebration we ask you to join with us as our thoughts are also with the less fortunate children and seniors, all those who are sick and lonely in our nation and need our love and compassion. Please reach out to someone and extend a helping hand or share your meal with someone who doesn’t have one. We see and read about so many wonderful demonstrations of human kindness, love and compassion to the less fortunate, that we are convinced we are caring people and that because of these wonderful human values we share, we shall be able to collectively respond to the cries and needs of those in want.

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