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NCAA Hockey Jerseys ootikyah









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發表於 2018-5-30 01:32:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Denise Munroe, of La    Grange, West Bank Demerara, appeared before acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday to answer to the charge of damage to property. The defendant who is a single parent was unrepresented by an attorney on both of her court appearance.She pleaded guilty of the charge instituted against her.The defendant related a story of being a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of the Plaintiff for many years. After recounting events prior to her arrest, the Magistrate allowed the accused her pre-trial liberty in the sum of $50,000. A probation report was also ordered. The woman managed to post bail on Tuesday.Last Friday, Munroe made her second court appearance weeping bitterly. I sensed something was amiss, moreso seeing her jersey ripped and the front sprinkled with blood stains.Not even trying to hold back tears, the tall, slender woman with her hands clasped, informed the court of being beaten by two police ranks at the East La Penitence Police Station while she was in their custody.According to her, she was brutalized on Friday morning prior to her court appearance, after she requested to use the telephone to place a call to her 14-year-old daughter.The court was told that the officers at the station told her that her request could not have been granted but she insisted that making a call to her child was very important.“My worship, please help me. I ask them if I can make a call to my child but they told me no…just because I keep asking them two officers start beating me, they kick me in my chest and belly…my child is home alone and I am frighten some thing bad happen to her, please help please I begging you,Cheap NHL Jerseys,” cried the woman.As Denise stood weeping, she explained that the officers grab her jersey and slammed her to the walls of her cell.“These officers just grab my top and slammed me to the lockup wall, all my chest and face hurting.”Magistrate Beharry inquired from  her if she had since spoken to her child, Denise responded that the police never allowed her a phone call. “Since they hold me I did not talk to my daughter. I am studying what she is eating because I have no one to look after her…I did not commit a murder. Is my ex-husband’s car I damage and the police are treating me like a big wanted suspect…I need some one to call my daughter to see if she is ok. I left nothing home for her to eat…I know she must be hungry.”Following her pleas the court instructed police prosecutor Corporal Venetta Pindar to investigate the defendant’s allegation.Just recently, two boys who were implicated in an arm robbery informed the same Magistrate that they were battered by lawmen at the Brickdam Police Station. Up to this day, no investigation was carried out.And  the trend continued at Lenora Police Station, when a 15 year-old boy’s genitals were set alight, allegedly by  Sergeant Narine Lall, Constable Mohanram Dolai and Corporal Oswald Foo and it was only when this was revealed in the media, the  boy was taken to the hospital.Magistrate Nyasha Williams-Hatmin was forced to dismiss the highly publicized case because of the non-appearances of the main witnesses.

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